Images show error, but their URL is right?

  • Hey! Can someone please hint me whats wrong? We are running our microbusiness site through WP and have made a custom coloured CSS layout. We also have a custom subdomain

    Now there’s a problem:

    The CSS was created and needed images uploaded before the custom domain.
    Now when I try to make any changes and look at the preview, all the images are missing (header, background etc).

    – the images URLs are correct in the CSS code
    – also all colons, semicolons and apostrophes are checked

    The only weird thing I’ve noticed is when I run the code in preview mode, the URL of images that supposed to be there are different from the one in the code, eg.

    Code –
    Right click/copy image location –

    So what on earth is happening and what can I do? Greateful for any help. / Valeria

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It might be a problem with the preview – try previewing it without making any changes to the code and see what happens.

  • Thank you for the tip!

    Unfortunally the view stays the same even without any changes. Actually the only change I was about to make was a bigger font size (nothing related to links), so that one can’t either be in question.

    I also tried a different computer (in case the problem was with my browser cashe / coockies / etc) – still no progress…As if the WP changes almost randomly images URL path.

    Any other suggestions?

    Do you think the problem would go away by submitting the CSS changes – maybe it’s somehow realted to adding the blog to a sub domain?

  • It could be the subdomain – I’ve never used one with

    If it’s something simple like the font, just make sure to back up your CSS, and save changes – and see what happens.

  • There’s currently a problem where users who have both a mapped domain and custom CSS can’t see the images from their stylesheet when they go to preview them – we are looking into it and will hopefully have it fixed soon.

    If you accept the changes, your images should appear as intended – if they don’t or you don’t like the change, you can always back up to a previous style sheet using the revisions tool.

  • This should be fixed. Please let us know if there are any continued problems.

  • The preview is working again!

    Couple days back we had some problems with background image visibility (same as I mentioned before – the different URL in code/with right click), but after I updated the CSS, everything looked fine.

    Thank you all one more time for your help and hints :)

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