Images not loading on my new domain

  • Hello,

    I implemented a simple single-page website for my wedding (private): from to .

    I upgraded my plan from Free to Personal.

    The new domain is active now, but the images are not available (status 403).

    Can you help me fix it?

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards,
    Fabio Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @sirfabio80 – since your site is set to private, it’s normal for images to return a 403 error if you’re not a user on the site.

    Could you please try clearing your browser cache and ensuring that you’re logged in as one of the two users on your site, and let me know if the images are visible? Thanks!

  • Hi,

    I work in tech and I am logged in. It is a known WordPress issue with custom domains and the settings “Prevent cross-site tracking” checked on Safari.

    I contacted the support to know if there is a permanent solution for this. I also contacted the support as I can’t delete nor edit this post despite I am the post author and I am logged in as post author.


  • Hi, at this time the best solution is indeed to ensure that Prevent cross-site tracking is de-selected in Safari. I checked in case Apple have added the option to manage cookie exceptions in Safari but it doesn’t seem like that’s the case at this time unfortunately.

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