Images not aligning vertically in table

  • I’m editing an old entry and I just can’t seem to get the images aligned vertically in my tables. I would prefer all images aligned to the top

    In my first table the first two images won’t align but the third does.
    In my second table all three images are aligned.
    In my third table the first image is aligned but not the last two.

    For the life of me I can’t figure out what determines whether an image will align or not. <td style=”vertical-align: top!important;> seems to have no impact. Any help?

    The post is:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello @bangkokherps,

    Try to separate the “top” property and the “!important” by a space. This should work. The final code should be:

    <td style=”vertical-align: top !important;>

    And also try without the !important:

    <td style=”vertical-align: top;>


  • I had tried without the important before, and that didn’t work, which is why I added the important.

    I tried your suggestion of using the space. That isn’t working either. It still looks exactly the same.

  • Hi there, as an alternative to inserting them in a table, if those images are being viewed larger when they are clicked on, why not insert them in your post as a Gallery, using the default thumbnail style with three columns across?

  • I could consider that, it might depend on how captions are viewed.

    But one issue is that the website is a field guide, with hundreds of posts along a consistent structure. If I make a major change like that, I would have to replicate the change across hundreds of posts or it would look quite unprofessional.

    On top of that, the “search” function for inserting already uploaded photos is confounding me (why do I get an option to search in some cases but not others?), so the fact that I have thousands of photos uploaded could make it difficult for me to find the right photos for each post’s gallery in a timely manner.

  • Understood.

    One thing I noted is that in the code given above by @jartes the closing quotation mark is missing, but you might not be able to use inline styling at all with the Personal plan. But give it a try and let us know what happens.

    Searching for photos is not easy when you have thousands, but if you have regularly uploaded the images to the post or page where they appear, you should be able to use the “This Post” tab in the Media window that opens when you go to insert images.

    Just for the future, I’ve found it very convenient to name my images with the same title as the post they are being uploaded to. Saved me hours of headache.

  • You’re right, the “this post” option should work well in this case.

    I have a strong naming scheme for my photos, so that’s not the problem. The problem is that in several views, I’m not seeing a “search” option at all when I’m trying to add voters. For some reasons it exists in some of the editor views and not in others?

  • Sorry, “trying to add photos”

  • Yes, it worked with the quotation marks! But with a caveat – for whatever reason it didn’t work with jartes’s original quotation marks, but only when I actually added them within the editor (where they are vertical instead of slanted). I only guessed to do that because I was already adding the missing one.

    Thank you much both of you

  • Sorry for forgetting the closing '! Happy to hear you finally solved it :)

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