Images inserted https & not attached to Post

  • All of the images inserted into this Post have https links and show https URL’s when just the image is viewed, also the images are not attached to the Post.

    How to Tie a Spilled Hitch Bowline

    Posted with Windows Live Writer –

    an earlier Post done the same way worked fine a few weeks ago:

    Given the changes in the editor and image editing “features” I am not too enthused about trying to fix this latest “feature”

    Any guess on what went wrong and how to fix it, or how not to have this happen again.

    I use WLW for most of my Posts since the WordPress.COM editor & image editor are sort of crippled and easier to write on the desktop.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sorry for the delay on this, @auxclass.

    I’ve seen other reports that suggest Windows Live Writer may not be fully in line with the editor changes in (and soon, WordPress 3.9). It sounds like WLW may need to accommodate changes in the WordPress editor.

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