Images from the internet

  • I often add incidental one time use images from a web site to my blog posts without saving them to my Library. This is because I have no intention of using the image a second time. If I wanted continued access to the image I would save it to my computer and then add it to my WordPress image Library.

    But when I open my WordPress Image Library I often see the images saved to my Library without this action taken by me.

    These images take up space in my library, space which is valuable, space I do not wish them to take up.

    How can I keep WordPress from adding these incidental images to my Library?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “incidental images” exactly, can you explain?

    Conceptually, your “media library” is a place where all media on your site is stored, so that also includes image that you upload directly to a page or blog post you are working on.

    There is no way to add an image to your WordPress site without adding it to your media library, essentially. This is what you are trying to do? Thanks for the additional info!

  • What I mean by incidental images are images I pick up from internet sources which will only be used once, in whatever the current article is being explored in the blog post.

    I do not wish to waste space in my allotted 3 gigs of Library space with images I wil not use again.

    In my view, no images should go into my Library until I choose to save them to the Library.

    I cannot tell anyone how to manage WordPress but this just means that after a while, once the posts are older, and no longer of interest, I will have to waste my time removing them from the Library when they no longer have any use, when people have stopped viewing the blog post in which they were used.

  • Hi there!

    I understand what you’re saying, but it’s not possible to do it like that. Any image you upload to your site (either on a post, page or directly to the media library) will show up on your Media Library. That’s how Media Library works on sites. Learn more about the media library at this link:

    You can insert images using a link, but you’d want to ensure you have the necessary permission to use an image this way (Images that are hosted elsewhere).

    You can also consider using an image hosting service like that lets you upload images to their site and add a link to that image on your site. Note that this is a third-party service not affiliated with us. So you’d want to use their service at your own risk. (For example, if the images are removed by them, they will disappear from your site as well, and there won’t be anything we can do to help.)


  • First, I always insert an image using a link.

    Second, necessary permission is covered by “Fair Use” as I am using images for an academic teaching activity.

    In the end, I will just be stuck with the job of removing these images once the blog post has outlived its usefulness.

  • Just so you’re aware: if you do remove those images from your media library, those blog posts will show to any visitor with broken image links instead of an image.

  • I know. By then the blog posts will have outlived their interest to my readers.

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