Images fail to upload, WordPress decides to rename every time I try to reupload

  • I do not understand why anyone thought this was a good idea. Why on earth would you rename an image file if I am uploading an image with the EXACT same name as a previous one? If I am uploading an image file with the EXACT same name as a previous one I am OBVIOUSLY intending to REPLACE the previous file with the EXACT same name. Especially if the upload fails (which happens more often than not on this site). Automatically renaming a file is a horrible idea and WordPress does not allow you to change the name of the uploaded file after it has been uploaded either.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @jlivolsi, we’ll pass along the suggestion. Right now each upload is its own file. Can you let us know why you intend to replace the image? Perhaps we can recommend a workaround.

    If uploads are failing, by the way, it could be an issue with the internet connection. Send more details about the error you get, and confirm you’re uploading to the site you mentioned here, and we’ll take a look.

  • I intend to replace an image because the first attempt at uploading it failed and I have already coded my site to reference a specific image name. Why on earth would you not allow someone to upload and replace an image or any file that has the exact same name as a file that is already there? Has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe a change was made and you would want to replace an image or file that has the exact same name, hence the change that was made to the original and then uploaded to replace the original. The ONLY reason that WordPress would do things this way is to that failed uploads and potential changes to files and images are forced to waste space in the allocated 3GB of free space that you are given. I wouldn’t be surprised if the failed uploads are intentional so that you are forced to waste storage space in order to force someone to “upgrade” to a paid version or pay to add more space when in fact there is no need for it whatsoever. In fact I would be surprised if that WAS NOT the case, so much so that I am fairly confident that it is just a predatory practice by WordPress to force users to upgrade or increase the amount of paid storage space when there is no reason for it all.

  • I will also add that I am 100000% sure that the failed uploads have absolutely nothing to do with my internet connection as it is a 1 Gig Fiber connection and I was uploading about 200 images in one shot and it was only a few that failed. If it was my network connection that was the issue then all or most would have failed. More likely it is an algorithm on WordPress that intentionally fails a certain percentage of uploads so, like I said above, for the waste of storage space and hence for either an upgrade to a paid service or upgrade the storage space to pay for more.

  • I understand the situation you’re describing, but please consider that not everyone who uploads an image with the same file name intends to replace it.

    Let’s say Joe is out hiking, and he sees a cool tree. He uploads cool-tree.jpg later that day. Some time next week, he’s hiking again, sees another cool tree, and uploads another cool-tree.jpg.

    Joe names the file cool-tree.jpg because it’s a cool tree, but his plan was certainly not to replace the first tree he uploaded a week earlier.

  • To be totally honest, this fictitious Joe (especially in 2020 with modern cameras and having lived out the vast majority of his life around computers of various types) is going to be 1) smart enough to know that he shouldn’t name two images the exact same name if he wants to save them, 2) regardless of which operating system he is using it is going to warn him when he tries to save the second picture to his computer with the exact same name and tell him that it will over write the other, so if he wants to keep both then he needs to either add a number (such as cool tree 2) or give it a distinct name. If he is smart enough to know that he needs to save them to different folders then he is also smart enough to know that they can’t have the same name and be in the same folder or stored location. So, your argument that we are still living in the 90’s and people still don’t know how computers or files work is weak at best and pretty much wrong taking into modern knowledge and use of computers ever day. Even a child who is fairly new to computers and able to use them on their own is going to know that you need to name files with different names if you don’t want them to over write each other. It seems that you think/assume that your users are quite dumb and are incapable of handling these things themselves.

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