Images changing color when I publish them

  • Hi All,

    I faced an issue when I tried to create links on my homepage.
    I set a “layout grid” block and if filled it with “cover/background pictures”. On these, there is a short text what serves as a link to another page. – It works perfectly but the colours of the images are changed.
    They look different on the editing interface (lighter) – and on the published website (darker). Of course, I checked there are no effects on them.
    I attached one example.

    (I created these pictures in CorelDraw wich one uses sRGB scheme like WordPress – so the problem is not here. … and as I mentioned they look normal also in the media folder, and also in the editing interface …. just in the webpage looks different…

    The example:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi lpapp96,

    I see what you mean and I think it’s happening because the Lodestar theme has a semi-transparent color overlay which in turn gives parts of the content that color overlay.

    If you navigate to Design -> Customize, and select Colors and Backgrounds, you can see what the background color is set to at the moment.

    If you decide to remove the background color but don’t like how it looks, don’t click the “Save Changes” button before you navigate back to your dashboard.

    Hope that helps solve your issue. :)

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