images are broken/lost

  • Hi there. I seem to have image icons in place of all my images throughout the 60 some posts on my site. I recently went through and made sure they were all in the media library and they are, but they no longer seem to connected to the posts. and actually like last week went through and manually right clicked and updated each image so it would show up in the posts, and now they’re broken again. Is there a way to just fix them all at once? let me know asap, thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi daytripdaydreams,

    I checked several of your posts but couldn’t see any missing images. Can you send a link a post where the images are missing?


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    I did go through begin fixing. There are broken images on every post starting right after christmas, a few are shown above.

    They seem to be pulling the image from a previous .com site, but since the images are in the library with the recent import i figured they would just be restored as all of the posts were. When i right click on the icon the image is mostly found i was just wondering if there is something that can fix this without me manually going in and re-adding all the images.

    Let me know.
    Thanks for checking

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Forums <(email visible only to moderators and staff)>
    To: noreply <(email visible only to moderators and staff)>
    Sent: Sun, Apr 22, 2018 4:38 pm
    Subject: [ Forums] images are broken/lost

    gemmacevans wrote: Hi daytripdaydreams, I checked several of your posts but couldn’t see any missing images. Can you send a link a post where the images are missing? Thanks! Post Link: ———– You are receiving this email because you subscribed to a forum topic. Login and visit the topic to unsubscribe from these emails.

  • Hi daytripdaydreams,

    Thanks, I can see what you mean now. I cross checked some of the images and they have been imported to your Media Library on but the images paths are referencing the upload folder on your site.

    I’ve asked our developers to look into this and I’ll let you know if they need any more information.


  • Thanks! We did a full backup and export prior to deleting the .org site so I assumed those files would be fully separated from the other site. Lmk if you need anything else or if I need to do a full reimport of the backup again. Thanks!

  • “We did a full backup and export prior to deleting the .org site so I assumed those files would be fully separated from the other site”

    Creating a backup by downloading a copy of the images would mean they are separate from the site. Exports are a bit different because the images themselves aren’t included in the .xml file — it contains links to the images on your site instead. For the import to work successfully, two things need to happen:

    1. The images need to remain on your site until the import has finished
    2. The site needs to remain public

    In this case, the images I checked have already been imported to but your posts are referencing the wrong file path. So the import appears to have been successful in terms of moving the files over to your new site here.

    I’ll let you know what our developers say.

  • I checked your site again today the image paths have been updated. Have you got this sorted now or do you still need some help?

  • They haven’t yet…I’m just updating them manually when I can:( so it doesn’t deter visitors.

  • Ok. Can you share one with us here that still needs updated?

  • Thanks, I can see where it’s linking from. We’ll see if we’re able to fix this and will update you here.

  • Also, if you would leave that sample post as is so we’ve got a pattern to work with, that will help. Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    To follow up on this thread: We haven’t been able to find a way to update the image paths on your site due to the way they’re formatted.

    There’s a couple of approaches that we could move forward on from here:

    • You could manually update the image paths on your site.
    • We could clear your site of all content. You’d then be able to attempt the import again. If you do this, please disable Jetpack’s Image CDN before exporting the content from your old site.

    Let us know which of the above two approaches you’d like to go with, and we’ll help from there.

  • Hi there. I’ll just continue manually updating thanks.

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