Image Won't Center Using Gutenberg Editor

  • Hi there,

    So we’re having an issue with the new Gutenberg editor. We center align an image in the editor, but when previewing it, it’s left centered. Right centering is right centered, left is left, but center does not work.

    We’re on the free plan, so can’t edit the CSS in any way, so any theme based suggestions are most appreciated.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Should note also that the theme is Baskerville 2

  • Hello @kemanente,

    I just tried this on a test site with Baskerville 2 theme and yes I noticed the glitch you are talking about. I tried a few ways around the new editor in the hopes of finding a way to help you with your request and I found a way to keep your image centre aligned. Here are the steps:

    Step 1: On your edit page, right below the title you will find the uploaded image that needs to be centre aligned.
    Step 2: Click on that image.
    Step 3: Once you click on the image, a small menu appears on top of the image.
    Step 4: Move around the cursor on the options and click on the option that reads “Change Block Type”.
    Step 5: Clicking on “Change block type” provides you with ”Transform to” drop down with a few options. Choose GALLERY.

    Press update and preview the page to see the changes.

    PLEASE NOTE: Though this option allows us to centre align the image , it appears to me that the size of the image is pre-defined and doesn’t allow us the option to resize the desired image.

    Hope this helps.

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