image uploading prblm , app is stealing

  • I am wordpress developer. I developed my site by wordpress. It’s working nice on desktop. but at mobile there is lots of major prblm, actually its very tricky , boring. anyway image cant uploaded when I logged in from mobile, app is also tried but that app stealt all my photos from my mobile and there is also image upload prblm.

    You guys why too busy with app? why need app if you develop wordpress site for mobile platform. your site is optimized for moblie, that’s cool , but prblm in publishing post from mobile, please just fix this issue in site for mobile. we dont need app. actually people dont like app. Apps are stealing people’s privacy which is bad.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The way the theme is designed, features and set up instructions as well as a link to the live demo site is found at

    Note that we disable the Mobile theme when using a responsive layout theme. See also Mobile themes
    Specifically see

    Additional information:
    The mobile ready theme is a default theme provided for those who run older themes that aren’t the gold standard which is responsive layout. It is a completely different theme that you do not need to enable, if your theme is listed as a responsive layout theme here

    A responsive layout theme adapts to different screen sizes so that your website will work (and be optimized for) iPhones, iPads, Android and other mobile devices. When responsive width themes are viewed on mobiles sidebars appear below the posts in order to provide as much space as possible for reading.

    When we use a responsive theme we disable the mobile theme. Go to >Dashboard > Appearance > Mobile and disable the mobile theme


    * Replace NAME_OF_BLOG withe the actual name of your blog in that URL.

    You can read more in the support docs at

    You can test your site at this link

  • The computer is completely different from the mobile,

  • The computer is completely different from the mobile,The computer only supports the JPG mode, but the phone is not the same, but according to your problem, you can’t see the picture on the mobile end , as i can see , you have some problems of photo transfer, i want to know , which transfer guide did you follow?

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