Image Tags

  • I’ve noticed often that will strip the source part of the “img src” tags that I put in my post. Anyone having problems with this? Anyone have a fix for this? I’ve submitted it through feedback already and was wondering if anyone else has noticed this problem.

  • Yes, I have observed the same. I posted the problem to the forum a few weeks ago but did not get any response.
    The only thing I can suggest is that first you write your entire article, and when you are done, you fill in the images. If you have to edit the article, the chances are that the image tags get lost and you have to add them anew.

  • I used to have this same problem as well. One of the admins told me to leave a space between the name of the image and the backslash


    <img src=”” />

  • Excellent. Thanks, Reelreviews. Hopefully, that’ll solve the problem.

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