Image in post is appearing as banner

  • On the permalink page for our current blog post, an interior image appears as the banner image (the regular Hints and Echoes page has the correct banner, as do other posts).
    What can we do to fix this?



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @smalper,

    I see what you mean. Unfortunately, your current theme (Pilcrow) is not available for new users, so I can’t test this on my own site.

    However, could you please try out this: go to your post called Television is bad for babies, and see if you’ve set a featured image. Then go to the other posts, and see if you’ve set a featured image here. I suspect that you’ve set it on the Television post, but not on the other ones. If you don’t know how to set the featured image, click here.

    Let me know if this solves it!

  • That was the issue. Doh.

    Thanks much.

    Steve Alper

  • That’s good to hear – and you’re welcome =)

  • May I please add something?

    You are running a very old retired theme. Themes are retired when they no longer support all features and the recommendation is to switch to another one.

    Note that switching themes can be easily done, provided you are logged in as Admin under the same username account that registered the site. Themes are just “skins” on WordPress.COM hosted blogs. You can quickly and easily change themes on any WordPress.COM hosted blog to another one found here and no data will be lost or negatively affected by the change. The only time you may have to do a lot of work is if you are changing to a dramatically different theme with different features and/or if you have done any CSS editing.

    Provided you are logged in as Admin under the same username account that registered the blog go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes, Browse themes until you find one you like and click the “activate” or the “preview” link, or type in the name of the theme you want to use when it appears.

    The theme customizer provides a preview function for exactly that purpose ie. so you can view what a theme will appear like prior to changing one.

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