Image Gallery Issue

  • I just recently started having an issue when I am creating image galleries in a new post, and I am wondering if anyone is experiencing the same issue:
    After creating an initial gallery as a tiled mosaic, I save and preview the post to see how the gallery will look. If I don’t like the arrangement, I rearrange the pictures or perhaps add or delete a few more until I get a configuration that I like. This is a slow process, but I think this method of trial and error is the only way to control how the galleries look.

    Recently, however, I can’t get my changes to “stick” when I edit a gallery. The preview will appear correctly the first time, but, if I decide to make any changes to the gallery, it appears that any changes I have made prior (rearranging, adding, deleting photos) are no longer there. The images in the Edit Gallery window are as they were when I initially created the gallery.

    As I said, this is a recent problem, but it doesn’t seem to be going away. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Is it only the tiled mosaic that is affected?

    Can you provide a direct link to a post/page where this is happening?

  • I only use Tiled Mosaic, so I can only speak to that style. The post I am working on is a draft post. Will you be able to see that?

  • No, I won’t be able to see the draft post. Only Staff can, so I will mark this for their attention. Please be patient while waiting for their reply as they work through threads on a time stamp basis.

    Do however, let them know which post they should be looking at and what is the original order of the images and how you changed it (and which didn’t “stick”).

    After that, don’t bump this thread unless you have more info to share with them.

    Meanwhile, I’ll go test a bit on my test site.

  • Just a quick observation: Do you resave your Draft post after you’ve updated your reordered Gallery?

  • Yes. I reorder, save, preview and repeat until I get a desired result. The only way it will keep the changes to the gallery I made between each try is if I close the editing session and reopen it. Sometimes I play with gallery arrangements up to a dozen times to get what I want. This glitch is really hard to work with.

  • It may be possible you are having caching problems. On my test post on my test site, I did not have any difficulty reordering my tiled mosaic images, although I certainly did not try a dozen times.

    Again, which post should Staff be looking at and what is the original order of the images and how did you change it (and which didn’t “stick”)?

  • The draft post is called “Big Fun in Big Bend.” They can open any gallery and reorder the photos, add/remove a photo from my media library to test. I am pretty happy with most of the galleries now, but there is one that I still want to work on that would be best for testing. It is the 2nd gallery under the Grapevine Hills hike that has one big photo and lots of tiny photos. There are lots of photos in the gallery. I would like to get them to be more evenly sized.
    How would I fix the caching problems?

  • @takeahikephotography

    I tweaked this gallery around a few times and did not see any issues:

    Screen Shot

    Can you please try clearing out your browser’s cache?

    Solve Common Browser Issues

    If you are still having a problem, let me know, and we can take the next troubleshooting step, once I get more feedback.

    BTW, your photos are incredible!

  • Thank you for looking into this for us. Jennifer mentioned it might be a cache problem, too, so I tried working on the post in a different browser. Everything worked fine in Chrome, so I think I need to clear my cache in Safari. I’ll follow your link to figure that out.

    Thanks for your kind words about our photos. Nature photography is our passion, and we love sharing it on WordPress!

  • @takeahikephotography

    You’re very welcome, and I’m glad your issue is resolved.

    If you have any other questions regarding, please let us know :-)

  • Thanks so much. We really appreciate your timely help in troubleshooting our problem!

    One question: Any advice for getting noticed by WordPress and getting our blog featured? :)

  • @takeahikephotography

    Check this page out:

    Let us know if you have any more questions :-)

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