image distortion

  • When I upload an image (the astrology chart on my site) it looks perfectly clear in the ‘full size’. However, when I shrink it, it distorts and looks horrible. I am using the Connection theme. Can someone help?

    Love that this forum is here………….bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ps………you have to scroll down a few entries to see it.

  • Are you referring to the image in your Mar 1 post? It looks fine to me in Firefox.

  • yes….the astrology chart. I am in Mozilla….and the circle is broken dots….not a connected line.

  • nope, no dots, just a connected line. Anyone else care to weigh in here?….

  • Running Firefox and looks like dashed lines to me. I think it may have to do with the thickness of the lines when an image is shrunk down. Can you thicken the lines and/or text in the original image? Maybe try jpg instead of gif (different compression styles)?

    It does show fine once you click into the full image in firefox with the magnifying glass. [edit – Same goes for IE7 by the way]

  • Hmmmm…..I reloaded the image in gif, jpg, and a different chartwheel all together. I checked it out on Firefox, Mozilla, and IE………..and still the outer circle is dots, not a connected line and looks rather bad on both of my computers….?????

    any other ideas?

  • I’m looking at the march 1st entry and it looks fine compared to the large size to me. Make sure your browser is not caching.

    I did notice however, your March 2nd entry has a distorted image, which is smaller than what is being displayed and is being stretched out with either html code or css.

  • That’s because you’re not using thumbnails. All you’re doing is taking the larger picture and trying to put it into a smaller space. Like putting a jumbo jet into a doghouse. Even though you’re using width and height, all the data still has to download and be stuck into that smaller space.

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