Image Carousel – next/prev/close buttons – not working in Brave or Edge

  • Hello – on one of my sites, I noticed the image carousel now no longer worked properly – I would click on an image in the gallery, it would open but the buttons (next / prev / close) did not function. To test, created (using the recent twenty twenty-four template / ohter side used the Maryland template) and checking on various browsers, I discovered the carousel function did not work in Brave or Edge …. but did work in Chrome and Firefox. …………….. Is this a bug on the side or on the Brave/Edge side? Has the bug been identified to appropriate technical teams? Thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Apologies as I’m unsure if it’s okay to add a message to someone else’s problem (I can open my own if required) but I am experiencing this issue as well, as of the last 24 hours. I am only experiencing it in the desktop version. Unlike OP, it is happening on Chrome for me.

  • Hello there @coregonline and @marinaneira!

    Are you able to share please, a screenshot showing how the issue occurs for you?

    The Carousel worked when I tested this in the latest browsers of:
    Chrome (Mac)
    Edge (Windows)
    Safari (Windows)

    I also couldn’t find a current bug report or testing for the issue specifically, so we’d love to hear more so that it can be raised with the development team, given more details for the case.

    Additionally, if you could share the exact browser versions that you have experienced this in, it will help tremendously.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you!

  • Hello Jan,

    Many thanks for checking this out.

    As to your questions/comments ….

    • Cleared cache for both Brave and Edge – did not solve issue.
    • Version of Brave – v 1.61.101 (Dec 7, 2023) Upgraded Chromium to 120.0.6099.71
    • Version of Edge – v 120.0.2210.61  
    • Added screenshot below – clicking the prev/next/close buttons does not change the icon look to indicate they have been clicked or perform the applicable action.

    Additional notes:

    • I checked out how the carousel worked on both Brave and Edge on two other computers in my household – also did not work.
    • I have Norton running on my machine so just to see if that was causing the issue, turned it off – had not impact on carousel issue.

    Hope the above helps and if there are any further questions, more than happy to try things out at my end. As I like to say …. when you run into problems, think of them instead as puzzles as it puts your brain into a better gear ;)

  • Hello there,

    I’ve just created and scheduled a post and am having the same issues with the carousel gallery in preview. None of the functionality including the back/forward arrows are working.

    I cleared my cache on Chrome, logged out and logged in again and the bug didn’t clear.

    This is the post I’ve been working on:

    Many thanks – I also fired off an email before discovering this thread.


  • Hi Mike,

    Went to your site and I have the same operational difference at my end with your image carousels – work in Chrome and Firefox / don’t work in Brave or Edge.

  • Hi there,

    Ah that’s interesting. I only operate Chrome on my machine here and it’s not working at all for preview or live.

    I’m about to chat to a Happiness Engineer here and have told them about this thread. I’ll see what they come up with.


  • The Happiness Engineer reports there is a new bug report for this but is unsure when it will solved.

    He says it’s related to an update that was pushed on the Chromium platform (which runs both Google Chrome and MS Edge).

    I’ll keep a close eye on this and keep checking in with them – all my posts encourage visitors to use the gallery function so it will look poor if that’s not working (and no doubt cause them to bounce out of the site).


  • I have confirmed that my site’s galleries ( work with Vivaldi, do not work in Chrome or Edge. This has to be solved ASAP, it is a site-breaking thing for me. I’m a freelance artist, so I absolutely depend on my galleries as my site’s core functionality. :(

  • Hi Marina,

    Yes, galleries are at the heart of what I publish as a photographer so I do agree with you, it needs to be sorted.

    For the time being I’ve switched off the ‘enable carousel’ setting. Sets of images can still be clicked through, although there isn’t quite the same navigability. It’s better than a carousel that’s stuck – until this is fixed.

    It’s Media settings > Image gallery carousel > enable carousel.


  • Hi Jan / Mike / Marina,

    Just manually updated to lastest version of Chrome – now the carousels do not work for me – so now we are all in the same boat (hopefully this info makes it a bit easier for the Happiness Engineers to sort things out). Cheers, Greg

  • Mike, are you using or self-hosting with 🤔 It is my understanding that one cannot switch off Carousel when hosting with, which I am (hence why I posted on this particular forum).

  • Hey Marina,

    I’m on Premium but am pretty sure I’ve always had that functionality.

    Have a look in Media Settings. It’s just a little check box.


  • Hey Mike, I do not have that option. These are my media settings on

    The reason I ask that question is that I have another site, self-hosted locally using for playing around. And I do most definitely recall seeing the disable carousel option you mention there, but not here. :(

  • Oh yes that is different :( Well a non-carousel gallery isn’t ideal on mobile – you have to tap each image to move forward.

    Maybe the Happiness Engineers can enable it for you? It’s better than carousels that don’t move.

    This must be affecting a whole lot more users so let’s hope they sort something soon.


  • Hi Mike/Marina – I have the “enable carousel” option and I am on (see below) – perhaps option is variable depending on theme used???

  • Looks like I have to fiddle with this setting in Jetpack:

  • Alright, I found a solution for myself at least. I reenabled the Ultimate Lightbox plugin which I’ve been testing recently, and disabled the Jetpack carousel as per Mike’s suggestion. I will say that the Ultimate Lightbox did not work either until the Jetpack gallery was manually disabled, even though the plugin has a setting to override all other galleries. Usually, it overrides the Jetpack carousel without a problem.

    In any case, whatever update was done to Chromium has not affected this other lightbox. I’m a happy camper.

  • Sorry, it won’t let me edit my last post, but for anyone with this issue who has the ability to add plugins, the one I mentioned above is free and you can choose to add the lightbox functionality to all your galleries, to all your images, to both, or one or the other. It’s pretty neat.

  • Hi all, just wanted to add/confirm that I’m also encountering the same, and it still works in Firefox. Can anyone point out the bug report mentioned in one of the earlier replies to this topic for visibility? Thanks!

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