Image caption runs along the left side of the image and not on the bottom.

  • When entering in a caption under an image, it seems to be aligning itself along the left side of the image rather than remaining at the bottom. It appears at the bottom while I’m editing it, but in the preview and published viewings, it runs along the left. Please help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I visited your blog and the problem is exactly what you described.

    I tried to reproduce the problem on my end but the theme is retired –

    So I’m unable to apply the theme. However I tried to modify the captions using CSS (in chrome dev tools) and it works with this piece of code –

    .wp-caption .wp-caption-text {

    Note – Custom CSS is only available in the premium plan according to the pricing page –

    I am not sure if there’s another way to fix it because I cannot access the theme. But someone from the staff might be able to help so I’ll add the modlook tag to this post.

    I hope this helps in someway! :)

  • Thank you. Yes that’s helpful to know at least. Would changing the theme perhaps fix the problem?

  • @tylerleeconway – It looks like something changed because while I saw the misalignment earlier the caption on this post is now displaying correctly below the image and not up the left side of the image as I saw previously.

    Regardless, since Pilcrow is a retired theme, I would like to suggest that you consider using a newer theme in any event. As time goes on, retired themes like it are no longer updated and do not support WordPressdotcom’s newer features.

    Let us know if you need more help with that or suggestions for a newer theme.

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