Image Border

  • Hi!
    I’m trying to remove the default border that shows up on every solo image I post. In other words, when I create a gallery, the images have no borders; but when I put an image that’s not part of a gallery, when I publish the post, it appears with a thin border .

    The theme I’m using is the Mixfolio Theme. (
    Here is the link to one my posts, where at the end the signature & logo image appears with the border I want to remove:


    I don’t want borders to show up on this image because I put it into every post I make! Can anybody help me please???

    thx a lot!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    If you edit the post and go to Text Editor mode (, you should see the following HTML code for your image:

    <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-450" style="border:0 initial initial;" src="" alt="" width="300" height="49" />

    If you change ‘border:0 initial initial;‘ to ‘border:0;‘, it should remove the border.

  • Hi there!

    I’ve tried to do what you told me to but when I update the post, It doesn’t work. It returns to its original declaration. Also the original HTML code that appears is:

    <img class=”alignnone wp-image-450 size-medium” src=”″ alt=”” width=”300″ height=”49″ />

    Then, what I did was to erase all the original HTML code and copy the one yo gave me above and the erase the words initial and IT WORKED!

    I don’t know why because between the original code and the one you gave me, the changes al so very little. Now my question is: Do I have to do this every time I post somthing or there is a way to do it permanently?

    Thx for your help!!! (:

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