Image Alignment

  • No matter what I do to format and align images, they do are not aligned the way I want them. They wind up large, centered, and stretched out, and the text DOES NOT WRAP AROUND THEM, despite the tutorial instructions. How can I make the images align the way I want them, and the way your software says they will be aligned?

    I want the images to align either right or left, and be small with the text wrapping around the image.

    I posted this on the community forum, but no one has responded.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • what theme are you using? as what you can see in here, I was able to wrap the text around the image. So maybe, it your theme that is messing up?

  • When you add a picture to a post or page, you will see this on the right hand side of your screen:
    It is not designed very well because you must scroll down to see the significant bottom part titled “Attachment display settings.”
    Here is the support article where the above picture is:
    The item with the red number “5” is what controls the alignment of pictures: left, center, right, or none.
    The item with the red number “7” is what controls the size of the picture: thumbnail, medium, large, fullsize
    After you insert an image, wordpress will remember the settings you chose so next time you insert an image it will follow your settings.

    If you chose alignleft and thumbnail, the next image will be inserted that way. If you decide you want the picture on the right, then remember to change it before you insert the image or you will have to edit it in the post or page.

  • …and the text DOES NOT WRAP AROUND THEM,…

    If you select “none” for your picture alignment, then the picture looks as if it is left aligned, but the text won’t wrap around it. If you want text wrap with a picture on the left, choose align “left” instead.

  • 1tess: I chose “right” alignment, following the instructions on the support pages. The pictures are either aligned left, or centered (and stretched out), and the text did not wrap.

    oblivionseether: I don’t know what theme is being used, or if there even is one (it was set up by another person). I can get the images to align the way I want them in the edit box, but they don’t do the same thing when the page is viewed.

  • Link to a specific example please.

  • If you cant wrap the texts around the image on the visual editor and its not on the actual display when the page is viewed then I think its the theme. If you want you want to check if its really your theme thats messing it up, try switching the theme to the default WordPress theme which is twenty-twelve or twenty-eleven and then look if the problem still occurs. But make sure you know what your current theme is before you do that so that you can restore it back. You can change your theme on Appearance > Themes. ONLY DO THIS if you are sure that you know your way around the Admin panel. Is your account in Pro Bundle?

  • EDIT: If you can* wrap

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