I’m unable to create a P2 site

  • I’m not able to create a P2 site. Upon creating the new site, it says to contact support.

  • Hi there,

    You are trying to create your site by starting on this page, yes? https://wordpress.com/start/p2/

    Are you getting this error message after you give your project a name and your site an address? Or are you able to click the button to proceed, and instead see the error on the signup page?

    What is the name and URL you are trying to give your P2? Thanks for the additional info!

  • I intend a P2 URL to be softlay2.wordpress.com

    But I can not go pass this page https://wordpress.com/start/p2/p2-site

    Clicking on “Continue”, I get this massage: There was an issue registering your site. Please contact WordPress.com support to assist.

  • I have another request.

    My Jetpack connected site is http://www.softlay.com but in wordpress.com the URL was staging.softlay.com

    To correct this I disconnected and reconnected Jetpack but lost all data/stats.

    So if you could resolve this, I will appreciate that!

  • Hi there,

    I intend a P2 URL to be softlay2.wordpress.com

    But I can not go pass this page https://wordpress.com/start/p2/p2-site

    Clicking on “Continue”, I get this massage: There was an issue registering your site. Please contact WordPress.com support to assist.

    Are you able to register a different address? If you still can’t create a P2, then I suggest clearing your browser’s cache and try again.

    My Jetpack connected site is http://www.softlay.com but in wordpress.com the URL was staging.softlay.com

    To correct this I disconnected and reconnected Jetpack but lost all data/stats.

    I was able to find your old connection and transferred your stats and followers to the new one.

  • Thank you very much.

  • On wordpress.com/p2, my P2 site name “p2lay” gets accepted, on another clean browser. After loging in I saw a glimpse of the “Hurray” screen, but it reverted to wordpress.com/start/p2/p2-site with the same error: There was an issue registering your site. Please contact WordPress.com support to assist.

    Maybe my account has some kind of restriction. I am not able to add even a normal free site/blog into wordpress.com

  • First, let’s rule out that it’s not your browser. Please try the following:

    * Clear your browser’s cache:

    Solve Common Browser Issues

    * Check that JavaScript is enabled and supported by your browser:


    * Disable any ad-blocking and security extensions on your browser

    * Check that you’re using the latest version of your browser:


    Try all of the above and let me know how it goes.

  • I have tried it on the latest and clean Google Chrome browser but got thrown back to “Create a P2 site” page.

    This time I tried the site name “wp2lay”.

  • Hello there,

    I’ve reached out to via email to help bring this to a resolve.

    Please be sure to check any spam inboxes or promotional tabs that may be in place.

    Many thanks in advance.

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