I'm experience in HTML – A few brief queries about WordPress

  • [1] I loaded WordPress in Bluehost, in a subdirectory /vids but it seemed to screw up the SSL settings. Is it best to put it into the top of another domain? – I have several spares. (I got the impression it likes to be on top)
    [2] Can I use HTML? For example to make bold text, and insert links to pictures, and links to audio files?
    [3] I want to use text, and audio, and videos – in fact, handling videos is my main reason for trying WordPress. I’d like to be able to include my own videos, not just eg Youtube. Is there any problem with these? And can they be designed to allow downloading?
    [4] Is there a way to disallow trolls loading multiple videos?
    [5] ‘Responsive’ seems to mean a WordPress site can handle phones (ie small screens) as well as tablets and full screens. I there a good way to present videos on tiny screens? Obviously I’d like people to watch videos (or listen to audios) on their phones.
    [6] I’m thinking of videocloud pro or cloudpress pro or colormag as my theme. Will these be OK?
    …. [I was a bit burnt by Bluehost having a problem; I’m being cautious! I’d be grateful for your feedback!]

  • Hi rerevisionist,

    Installing WordPress on Bluehost means you are using WordPress.org software, which is separate from WordPress.com:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

    Jetpack creates a connection between fakeologist.com and your WordPress.com but we do not host your content. We can only help with WordPress.com sites here so I recommend posting to the WordPress.org support forums for advice:


    Also, it may be worth contacting Bluehost about the SLL settings so they can check what is happening from their side.

    Best of luck getting this sorted.

  • Ahah thanks – I had literally and absolutely no idea there were more than one wordpresses. Sigh. WordPress.com – you – must be the original surely? At least judging by the logo.
    So I’m completely baffled.

  • Hi there,

    Yeah, it is a bit confusing that there are two ways to run the same WordPress software. The co-founder of the open-source project (WordPress.org) started WordPress.com/Automattic as a commercial venture back in 2005 so there is a connection between the two sites using the same name.

    The biggest difference is that at WordPress.com we are an all in one web service which does everything from support to hosting (like you would get at Weebly, Squarespace, Wix, etc).

    With the WordPress software from WordPress.org you download the software which is community driven and install it onto a host (in your case Bluehost) so you’re dividing the support between the core software (community support), your hosting, and theme and plugin authors. It’s a bit more do it yourself that way.

    From here my suggestion would be to look over the document @gemmacevans provided to see if you may want to move your site here. It sounds like everything you want to do with your questions is totally doable with either way to run WordPress.

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