I'm considering covering +18 content. Need help to understand the consequences.

  • Let me start by talking a little about the background of anime and manga in Japan.

    The most conservative country in the world has somewhat of a custom where mangakas (manga drawing artists) usually start on the adult entertainment industry (hentai, as it is generally known in the west), then get their skills recognized (be it by unique traces or story development) and choose to proceed to manga industry or keep being hentai artists. One great example is Yusuke Murata, that draws the amazing One Punch Man

    I’ve just discovered that the gaming industry has the same potential of creating such “normal” artists, by seeing works getting made and financed by fans. The biggest part of such works is 3D, with no real people involved.

    That being said, here lies my question: What are the algorithm-related implications of covering +18 content? I’ve already set up a +18 barrier plugin, but I don’t know if that’s enough. Any more change that I should apply on my website to cover that kind of content?

    Every feedback is appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’ve just got this info that I have to flag my website as Mature content over here https://wordpress.com/support/mature-content/ , so that leads me to the next question: can I create and flag a specific area of my website for that content, or is it only required to flag the whole website? My intention would be to create a separated feed for Mature gaming news and another for Mature games reviews.

  • Hi there!

    Are you talking about savepoint.com.br? If so, your site is not hosted on WordPress.com, but you would need to comply with our TOS to use some of Jetpack’s services. Here’s some more information about that:


    For questions related to dividing your feed, I’d suggest asking directly at Jetpack’s forums. Their support team may be best equipped to help with that :)


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