iimage limit — can’t find images

  • It seems there is a limit to the number of images you can put in a post? Or is it a total image upload size? Where can I find out whether I have exceeded this limit? On the following page of my blog, it says it can’t find the image, even though I’ve uploaded these and re-done the code several times. Help anyone?



  • There’s an upload size limit but it;s like 5 megs or so.

    What specific image are you missing? I see all of the images on that page that you point us to.

  • The last two thumbnails — time and memory — when you click them it says file not found. I had this same problem yesterday with two different images on that page. Makes me think I’ve exceeded some limit though have not received message saying that. Where can I see stats of how much space I’ve used?

  • Best bet would be to submit a feedback and have staff take a look at it as none of use have backend access here in the forums. I tryed changing the URLs a bit when I noticed that those images for dated June instead of July like the others but I still couldn’t find them.

    I could have sworn that we finally had a listing of how much space we had used (we get a total of 50 megs free with each blog) but I can’t find it right off.

  • On the write page, below the upload box, mine shows “Used: 56% of 50MB” I am using the rich editor, if that makes a difference.

  • Yeah, I found it a short time ago. On regular wpmu installs, it’s on the dashboard.

  • Maybe you’ve fixed it because I just saw both images by clicking the thumbnails.

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