If you’re having trouble uploading images

  • You can solve all these issues really easily. Use Windows Live Writer – it’s free to download and works just fine. Allows offline creation and editing with a simple interface and then just publish to your blog.

  • That’s true. From what I hear it works like magic.

    bama: what kind of failure are you experiencing? Where does it fail and what does it look like when it does? Do you get an error, does it hang, what can you tell us? Believe me, after the past three weeks, we’ve got a very full library of workarounds.

  • The Sacred Path…

    Thank you for the info. You’ve illustrated that this is yet another case of people trying to develop software to “think” for me. As someone who has a clue, I wish I could make WordPress just do what I tell it to do and not dynamically resize my images.

    I followed your links and read your articles and they are very illustrative.
    It’s a shame we have to work around what WodPress is trying to do for us,
    but until they give the end user the respect they deserve and treat us like we know what we’re doing, I guess we’ll have to keep working around WP 2.5 to get the same results we did in WP 2.3.

    Interestingly, inserting “full size” was working fine for a couple weeks.
    Now some under-the-hood, unannounced upgrade has broken what worked fine.
    Insert without link and insert centered have never worked in the new interface.
    I could not call WP 2.5 an “upgrade” even if you paid me.

    Thanks for the tips and the step-by-step instructions.
    They’ll let me keep some hair.


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