If you’re having trouble uploading images

  • Friends,
    This thing did it for me.

    No 5 was my savior. I downloaded a couple of Internet Explorer fix files.
    Just replaced the installed ones

  • sorry Valier, that is too geekified for me to follow. Does anyone know when and how the staff will notify users that the bug is fixed?

  • that link doesn’t apply here; that is for the wordpress.org installation when you’re working with you’re own install.

    There is a link at the top of the forum here that does apply to you though; it’s a sticky. Follow that; ensure you have upgraded your flash.

  • Same problem as drawinglady has:

    *no option ‘send to editor’
    *no options when right clicking on the image…

    and what not.

    Using Firefox and don’t want to switch to IE.

    Tiresome, really. I appreciate the attempt to make things better but I think I too will be moving: writing is the thing I would like to spend time doing, not spending hours figuring out how to upload an image. This is a simple feature, after all. thanks again guys!


  • I think some of the issues mentioned here are simple misunderstandings – there is no “send to editor” button, for example. This is how you upload an image:

    How do I upload pictures? [Screencast]

    If you see something significantly different, please tell us about it – we cannot see what you see.

  • tellyworth – I’ve never been able to watch that screencast. It won’t load. I just get a black box forever, using XP and IE7.

  • Mike’s tutorial is awesome, though. The one he linked to above. Here it is again:

    I am finding when I click the Choose Files thing that nothing happens. That’s the point at which it hangs. I’m using FF on Windows 98. I have the latest version of Flash (just updated) and will now disable the popup blocker and report back. Some people say that works.

  • That did not work. For a brief microsecond I could see a box with “files to upload” beside it, but it vanished and was replaced by the button. I try to click on the button and it does nothing.

  • I went to mike’s tutorial and realized right away i was in trouble.
    I am not seeing the exact same info in my boxes as in his images.

  • I have to agree… I am trying to like change, but posting a new topic on my blog and inserting my images has now taken me close to an hour and I STILL can’t get it to work!!! I am so annoyed right now!! why the change in format???!!!!

  • I have had the most frustrating day trying to upload photos. This new format is giving me a lot of trouble and I have not been able to upload my photos to accompany my text. What was wrong with the old format? It worked fine for me.

  • It would be very helpful if people could list the operating system and browser being used.

    I know that people with Linux and Mac have had problems. I’ve seen some XP too, some of which were fixed by updating Flash, Shockwave Player, and Java.

    I’m beginning to wonder if the remainder of problems are due to people using Windows 98?

  • I frequently embrace change – I’m big on useful changes – this was not a useful change, it has not been an improvement. I am not on W98, and I suspect most people aren’t either. The fact is, most of us were quite comfortable, and happy with, the previous dashboard. Change just for the sake of change is wasteful, and counter productive. This went from a quick 5 minute task to a huge pain in the posterior, and I’m walking away frustrated not having done what I set out to do. I’m already dreading trying to work on this tomorrow, having to block out much more time than I should have to for such simple tasks. This is not people resisting change – this is people being truly ticked off over this needless pointless hassle.

  • You said you’re not Win98. Which OS?

  • Uploading photos: Upload works but unable to insert into post. I can’t get to all of the options once I’m ready to insert photo into the post. The new window isn’t completely open – ie. I can’t scroll down all the way to hit send.

  • I can upload them, but just like kikiluv i can’t insert into a post. Though I could a few hours ago!

  • >>>I can’t scroll down all the way to hit send.

    Are you using Firefox? Hold CTRL and hit – (the minus sign). This will sometimes shrink the content in the box. It will be difficult to see, but if you know where the Insert button is, it can be clicked on. I just tested this. Image of Insert button:

    Don’t forget afterward to hold CTRL and hit + (the plus sign) to enlarge everything back to normal!

  • As usual, I am glad to see I’m not the only one with a problem, in this case uploading images. Mike’s tutorial is much too geekspeak for me. There is no “send to editor” function on my page. Can’t a WP tech person simply write out very clear and non-technical instructions for loading a picture from both blog files and computer files? Why is this not possible?

    Specific question: If I never named my images (and I didn’t), is this going to exacerbate the problem?

    Finally, IJWTS that, other than the image situation, I really like the new design. I understand there’s a learning curve involved every time things change, and so I’m psyched for it. It’s all right because it’s the first re-design in the year and a half I’ve been using WP, plus WP has always been relatively easy to learn. So thanks, guys. Let’s just resolve the image situation.

  • There is no Send to Editor button anymore. If you go to the previous page you’ll see Tellyworth has linked the new FAQ instructions.

    If you never named your images, this WILL present a problem, but not an unsurmountable one. There’s a workaround. It’s a good idea to name your images anyway, for SEO reasons; search engines love looking at titles.

    If all else fails:

    if you can’t upload at WordPress.com, get a Flickr or Photobucket account and use that for now. They work very well and are easy to use. Note Photobucket will absolutely kill ALL nudes. They’re ruthless. Half my Photobucket images are gone.

    If you can upload but not put your image in a post, go to your Media Library and click Show for that image. It’ll give you the URL among other information. Copy the URL and put it in the post using the Image icon, old-skool style. That is a functional workaround for the meantime.

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