IE does not display correctly > Posts are displaced / FF ok

  • Hi,

    when using IE, the elements of a post (headline, body of post-text, etc) are displaced to the left. Firefox works correctly.


    Not that I remember that I edited anything in the sourcecode. I just changed the header picture.

    Can anyone help?

  • If you have access to your source code, I suspect you are using (selfhosted)? and not, and would need the forums over at for help. users don’t have access to source code.

  • Sorry, I don’t mean sourcecode. What I meant was css or anything else.
    But this is not the point.

    Please have a look at the site with 1.) Firefox and 2.) Internet Explorer

    Then you’ll see what I mean. Sorry, can’t describe better.

    Any hints and replies are appreciated! Thanks in advance!

  • Different browsers view webpages differently. I’ve viewed my own blog using the link I’m getting ready to provide you and I’ve since decided not to ever see it ever again. I just don’t want to know. I’ll never sleep.

    You’ll have to tinker with it is all I can say. You can see how your site looks in many browsers, using this. Now you’ll be really, really upset.

  • This

    is a non-modified standard hosted blog and I assume that it is nonetheless build for the most used browser: Internet Explorer.

    Please have a look at the site with IE and you’ll see.

    Can anyone help? THANKS!

    – Andreas

  • No, actually is optimized for Firefox, probably because that’s what the guys who built it use. Since it’s such a simple blog, it should work just fine in both browsers. I’d report the difference to staff.

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