I wish for christmas

  • That wordpress would do something about fonts, the fonts on my poetry blog are now just rediculously small, I want people to stop and read my poetry guys not click straight out because of poor presentation [or eyesight or both] if tthey click out because the poetry is awful that’s my fault. :)
    Happy christmas guys, y’all be good now. Thanks for all your service.
    http://gentledove.wordpress.com see wot I mean?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Your blog is normal. You’ve probably zoomed out accidentally.

    Also note that what a user sees when visiting a blog isn’t necessarily what you see: depends on browser zooming as well as screen resolution.

  • I’d love to read your poetry – something for which I have only minimal talent – but while your text size is OK, I find the assorted colours and styles mostly illegible without zooming. The white text is fine.

    A happy Christmas to you, too. . .

  • Just had a look at your blog gentledove and think it looks great.

    The font size wasn’t a problem at all seeing how the different colours of the fonts make it that more interesting.

    I’m new to wordpress, and have been playing around with my theme for a while now, but honestly, as long as the content is good (which yours is by the way – nice work!) I really don’t think readers will mind.

    [Link signatures are NOT allowed there for it’s been removed T3CK]

  • I’m visually challenged and I find the theme you are using to be among the most difficult for me to read the fonts on. This is because there is a lack of distinct contrast between the black background and the gray fonts. In addition you have added all kinds of colored fonts that make my eyes have to work hard to read. Some like the dark blue font are also lacking in contrast against the black background.

    Overall I found the multiple color fonts on the black background distracted me away from reading your content. This inaccessibility means that I would really have to like the blog to subscribe to the RSS feed and view the entries in a feedreader on a white background. As not all feedreaders display images that means I would have to use BlogLines which does display images.

    Although you may not like what I have to say, I’m going to give you honest feedback. Please consider replacing the theme you are using and also consider not using multiple font colors. Quite aside from making your site accessible to visually challenged and color blind readers,
    (1) an accessible blog/site is more likely to be ranked well by search engines than an inaccessible blog/site;
    (2) by designing an accessible blog/site, you are also targeting PDAs, 3G phones, and similar technological devices that are used for web access.

    I have related posts on my blog on this subject that contain some helpful links regarding making your blog accessible:
    Blog Design: Which colors do you use and why?
    Changing your blog? Start with the colors

  • This is off your topic… the theme and how you play with it are totally up to you, it’s your blog, but there’s a reason newspapers and magazines don’t print coloured / white / grey text on a black background. Good luck with your poetry.

  • OOPS! I forgot to say something else about font size. Did you know that readers can easily control the size of fonts? To magnify font if you have a PC hold the ctrl key down and click the + key until it’s the size you need it to be.

  • That’s AWESOME! I’ve been doing it by selecting page in my IE toolbar and hitting zoom in.

  • On macs:
    Hold command down and click on “+” or “-” to go larger or smaller respectively.
    Command 0 (zero) brings the browser back to normal.

  • Cool … we’ve covered the two. ;)

  • Ok, that is great! :-)

    but some weird stuff is going on for me in the forums. I’d swear that there were no answers (yours and bats) when I posted my last comment!

    but I’ve often posted answers here that don’t show up in the forums. When I contact support they fix it quickly. Never mind, it happens often and I don’t always bother.

    lol should I get paranoid???

    your avatar was missing for a while too

  • that is avatar missing today, too

    wish we could edit the comments here.

  • What I do with the forum posting bug threads is email support and they take care of it very quickly. Also you’re right my avatart was missing, I had trouble logging into my dashboard and when I got in the blog was messed up but that passed. Whew!

  • oh then I email them when I have time, and they fix it right away. But times I don’t have the energy. ha.. paranoid was only a joke.

    i think

  • I am awestruck. flibberghosted, people don’t normally take any notice of me when I start gabbing on and here I got all these fab replies. Thanks everyone, yes loadsa people have said my choice of chaos thingy was a bad one for poetry, but I like the pages. But the choice of colour reflects my personality, stoopid, I will see if I can do something about that [the colours I mean, I will always be stoopid] and thanx TT great tips~with my main bloggy, because of the paging afforded by chaos thingy although I don’t update that particular blog very often now I still get a steady stream of readers. Thanks everyone.

  • Strange, I saw your avatars just fine yesterday and also today.

    And you aren’t stupid!

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