i want to start over

  • i want to clear my site and start over
    i cant see a sidebar
    my widgets arent showing on my page

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Not all themes are designed to have sidebars on every page in the blog.
    Not all themes are designed to have sidebars at all; some have foooter widgets only.
    Some themes have slideout widgets or hidden widgets that appear only after one clicks a link.

    Here is your detailed theme description page link http://theme.wordpress.com/themes/bushwick/
    Your theme has a slideout widget area.
    Here is the live demo link http://bushwickdemo.wordpress.com/
    Note the link that must be clicked to expose the iwdgtes.

  • Note that clearing your site and starting over is a waste of your time. All themes are just “skins”.

    You can quickly and easily change themes on any WordPress.COM hosted blog to another one found here http://wordpress.com/themes/ and no data will be lost or negatively affected by the change. The only time you may have to do some work is if you are changing to a dramatically different theme and have done any CSS editing.

    Provided you are logged in as Admin under the same username account that registered the blog go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes and browse themes until you find one you like and click “activate” or type in the name of the theme you want to use and
    click the “activate” link when it appears.

    After you change your theme all you need to do is go here Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets > Inactive Widgets and re-install them where you want them to appear. The widget contents and settings will be the same as they were prior to changing themes.

  • Another note re: sidebars

    Only these themes are responsive layout themes http://theme.wordpress.com/themes/features/responsive-layout/

    A responsive layout theme adapts to different screen sizes so that your website will work (and be optimized for) iPhones, iPads, Android and other mobile devices. When responsive width themes are viewed on mobiles sidebars appear below the posts in order to provide as much space as possible for reading.

    The mobile theme is a completely different theme. When we use a responsive theme we disable the mobile theme Go to > Appearance > Mobile and disable the mobile theme.

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