I want an existing blog

  • kinda hard to sum this up in the topic title, but thats as good as it can get.

    let me explain it a bit better, theres an existing blog with the URL I would like to use, this blog however hasnt been maintained at all, infact nothing has been done to it since it was created. its been up for a few months and has never been touched.

    so Im just wondering how do I go about trying to aquire this blogs URL? should I just ask whoever made it if I could get it off them, although since they havent updated their blog since creation I doubt I could get in contact with them? or do I ask an admin and after a while it gets deleted and I can create my blog?

  • This has come up so many times on the forum that I can barely type this to you without my eyes crossing. If you use the forum search box and the FAQs you will find the answer is *NO* that is unless you can get the person who has the blog to agree. sysadmin will not track this for you or make any efforts on your behalf or on anyone else’s behalf to spend time and energy on these requests – sorry but that’s the way it is – so, there’s no point in sugar coating it.

  • I thought this wouldve been asked quite a few times already.

    thanks anyways, I’ll try to track this guy down then :)

  • Bets bet would be to leave a comment on the other blog leaving an email address where you can be reached and asking if they would be willing to give up their blog if they’re not using it.

    Chances are the blog was created just to get an Akismet account number or just for demo purposes to see what it was about.

    You’re probbaly not going to get an answer back (I haven’t on any of mine) but you can try.

    Good luck,

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