I subscribed to a feed on WordPress, but it won't display posts?

  • So there’s a blog that uses WordPress.org, 130Greene.com, and it won’t let me follow through WordPress. The WordPress bar does not show when I visit the site.

    Now, I’ve added 130Greene.com to the Reader and it has a little RSS reader. Great, I thought. But none of the new posts ever show up in my feed.

    Does anyone know what is going on?

  • Just to be clear on this WordPress.com and WordPress.org are completely separate. WordPress.org installs are not a part of this WordPress.com community but he RSS Widget displays posts from any RSS feed.

    I can see the posts in the feed itself http://130greene.com/feed/
    Have you tried clearing your browser cache and cookies?

    Now, I’ve added 130Greene.com to the Reader and it has a little RSS reader. Great, I thought. But none of the new posts ever show up in my feed.

    If you are using AdBlock disable it.
    If you are not using the secure https:// login please try using it

    (1) How are you connecting to the internet and to WordPress.com? The way you connect to the internet (mobile, satellite, DSL, dial-up) and to your blog, and how many proxy server jumps etc. it takes to connect can cause problems. There maybe be problems with your ISP and/or with the proxy servers. Also note that the main dashboard isn’t designed to work with touch devices through the tablet and smartphone browsers.
    (Are you using Talk Talk or are you using a satelite provider?)

    (2) Exactly which browser and version of it are you using. If you don’t know click here to find out > http://whatsmyuseragent.com/

  • I’m not looking to use the RSS widget. I’m trying to get the feed to display in the WordPress Reader on WordPress.com. I’ve added both 130Greene.com and 130Greene.com/feed on wordpress.com/#!/reader and neither display any posts.

    I don’t use Adblock and I don’t see how my internet connection or user agent is relevant. If there is an error, it would on WordPress’s behalf because they are ones loading the RSS and displaying it on the reader.

  • I did undertsand what you were expressing. I was simply providing more information.

    Did you add the complete correct URL incuding the http://prefix?

    I don’t use Adblock and I don’t see how my internet connection or user agent is relevant. If there is an error, it would on WordPress’s behalf because they are ones loading the RSS and displaying it on the reader.

    There are issues with the Reader with Topics pages and with other WordPress.com home page functions. That’s why I posted (1) and (2) above.

  • I seem to recall reading a post by macmanx (a Happiness Engineer) that in order for the WordPress.org site to be added to the WordPress.com Reader, it has to have the Jetpack plugin installed.

  • Well, I have a .com account and 130Greene is mine. But there are a number of followers on .com that are “following” 130Greene but never receive updates. I’ve tried to do it myself and nothing shows.

    Though, I did just program subscription link on my site using Jetpack’s processing to get them subscribed. You can see it here: http://130greene.com/subscribe/

  • For WordPress.com users, subscribing can be receiving an email or reading new posts in the Reader depending on how they set up their preferences.

    Since this thread has already been tagged for Staff attention, please be patient while they reply.

  • The WordPress.com reader does not support self-hosted WordPress.org blogs.

    They can subscribe via email if you’re using Jetpack, but the posts won’t appear in the WordPress.com Reader.

  • How come? It should be grab WordPress.org hosted blogs. It’d be nice to expand the community. :P

  • Thanks for the clarification, macmanx.

  • It is planned to support all types of RSS feeds eventually, but it can only support blogs hosted on WordPress.com at this time.

  • justjennifer, you’re welcome!

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