I need to talk with someone

  • I have an old WP acct and a new one. Need it to merge. Look at my website WP kathyfeshbach.com

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Your website (kathyfeshbach.com) is not build with WordPress. It’s build with Joomla.

  • Please read what Staff have said in another forum thread at https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/need-help-switching-from-joomla-to-wordpress?replies=6#post-1847215

    Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy way to achieve this since the resources I found requires a special plugin that isn’t available on WordPress.com. You might have better luck moving to a WordPress.org blog instead.

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

    A WordPress.org blog allows you to upload your own custom plugins and themes, and gives you full control over your site’s code.

  • I am trying to write and post a new blog on my site;

    When I get into my back office, I see an old blog I never really started, but do not see the jeannepromlifecoach.wordpress.com blog I have written in numerous time????? What is up? How can I get in to the back office of my site to write another blog? Confused.

    Thanks for clear directions as to how to move forward, Jeanne

  • I am trying to write and post a new blog on my site;

    When I get into my back office, I see an old blog I never really started, but do not see the jeannepromlifecoach.wordpress.com blog I have written in numerous time????? What is up? How can I get in to the back office of my site to write another blog? Confused.

    Thanks for clear directions as to how to move forward, Jeanne

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