I need to change my password but….

  • I installed wordrpress in my server and its working fine. Unfortunately I lost my password and when I do the recover procedure, to get my passwoord mailed to my email, it doesnt work. Im sure its my email account that is having trouble some people tell me they are sending me emails and I never received a thing. But regardless I need to recover that password. Im the administrator of the website and I have access to the ftp and the database and server. how would I recover the password, any idea ? Thanks in advance

  • OOPS! You seem to be in the wrong place. WordPress.com is a MU (multi-user) blogging platform. We run on a different code base than the version you can download from http://wordpress.org and you will get different answers to your questions here. The forum for self hosted and web hosted wordpress blogs is located over here http://wordpress.org/support You may want to take a few moments and read this description about the different versions of WordPress software.
    Happy blogging! :)

  • Ok, im sorry, regardless I found a way to do it in myphpadmin, so thank you.

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