I need the blog page/homepage to show the titles on the thumbnails

  • Hi, your site used to be really easy to use, but this new block editor is so unfriendly in so many key ways, the set up thing as well forcing a homepage on us, I don’t want that I want the sites like I used to have that were like the portfolio layouts, that you still advertise but the new builder doesn’t allow us to choose it properly, I have to delete the homepage, anyway… I need the titles on the thumbnails on the homepage which is my blog page but I cannot do this myself, or I can’t find out how to.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    I need the titles on the thumbnails on the homepage which is my blog page but I cannot do this myself, or I can’t find out how to.

    The Photos theme evidently isn’t designed to display the title with the thumbnail images of the grids on the blog page, category pages, and other archives pages. See, for example, the following pages on the Photos demo:

    I don’t find an option to display the titles on/over the thumbnail images at Customize for this theme. If possible, displaying the titles would like require CSS customization. However, I might be missing something since I’ve had very little experience with the block editor, and haven’t tried it in my tests on this theme. Therefore, I will call for staff attention to the topic. Staff will respond here.

  • correction:

    “would likely require CSS customization”

  • Hi there,

    as well forcing a homepage on us

    No one is forcing you to set up a homepage. Depending on the options you choose when creating a new site, the default setup might contain a home page, and some of our themes are optimised for business websites that want a static home page, rather than portfolio or blog sites which don’t, but you can change this setting at any time from the Customizer:

    Set the Homepage

    I need the titles on the thumbnails on the homepage which is my blog page but I cannot do this myself,

    This has nothing to do with the editor. As @musicdoc1 indicated above, the theme you’re using is not designed to display titles on the front page post thumbnails. The titles are not even loaded in the code from what I can see, so it’s not possible to force them to display via CSS either.

    If you need the titles to be visible, you’ll need to switch to a theme is designed to display them. You can find our other grid-based themes here:


    Photos was based off an older theme, Cubic, which does display the post titles:


    I personally use Photo Blog on my photography site. It’s also based on Cubic, and display titles on the thumbnails while supporting several styling options. It’s a Premium Theme, though:


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