I have problems changing my profile picture

  • Hello!
    I have attempted repeatedly to change my gravatar, but failed. I proceeded like this:
    – wordpress.com/me
    – click on ‘update profile photo’ (go over my profile picture with mouse)
    – a new gravatar tab opens: ‘upload your gravatar now’
    – click on ‘upload new’
    – select file, enter, next
    – crop and finish
    – ‘manage gravatars’ – ‘whoops! looks like you don’t have any images yet! add one by clicking here’
    – click that link, then on ‘past uploads’
    – ‘use an existing photo’, click on photo I uploaded
    – click on ‘continue to the cropper’
    – crop and finish
    – and now, I’m back to the ‘manage gravatars’ page with the ‘whoops! looks like you don’t have any images yet! add one by clicking here’ text. when I tried again but using the camera to take a picture, I was not redirected to this page but to a page where I could set some kind of rating. why does it not work with the picture I uploaded?

    Help, please!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • HAve you gotten a response yet?

  • the same issue. any solutions?

  • Finally, I found the solution for myself.
    It’s about the size of avatar, make it smaller before you upload to gravatar.

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