I have been harassed for several weeks

  • Good morning , I am sending this message through a translator which means that my blog is in French. I had already sent a report on WordPress via the contact box, I received no response. I deleted more than fifty comments of the same type with equal malice. This has been going on since July 2022, before it was with different nicknames and email addresses. With Stephanieguillau it’s been a month and almost every one of my articles. I am sending you a translation of the message in addition to the file. On my blog, there is no way to block it, please do what is necessary

    the message received on November 3: As soon as it comes to human misery, you have to come and put your grain of salt or rather shit by putting out bullshit that you yourself don’t believe. Everywhere you go you have to throw up everything. Lousy!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Instead of deleting, you must mark such comments as spam. By doing so, our spam filter can learn to recognize those comments and stop them.

  • Hi,

    I see that you have this person in your moderation blocking list. Are the comments still somehow getting through?

  • @staartmees

    Good morning, You mean like Junk comment, these comments are sent to the trash because they do not appear in notifications because they are reported in my dashboard. ok I will look because I am really fed up with these insulting comments

  • @staff-ozmodiar

    yes exactly these comments go directly to the trash, I can’t block it otherwise. I have already had the same type of comment with other email addresses and nicknames, some went to spam. I understand better why, he came back with another nickname as an email address. The latter created a blog, you saw and he subscribed to my blog which I removed 5 times and came back Can you delete this Stéphanie Guillau blog? Normally my blog settings require that the person be logged in to comment… We’ll get there, the next comments I’ll move them from the trash to spam, thank you I would have learned something today

  • Hi there, @lunesoleil23! 👋🏼

    It’s better to mark the comment as spam than to trash it, as @staartmees suggested.

    I suggest referring to these guides:

    Enable and Manage Comments
    7 min read
    Comments allow your website’s visitors to have a discussion with you and each other. If you enable comments on a post or page, a comment form will appear for people to share a public reply. Video Tutorial Video Transcript I wanted to take a look at basic functionality around comments. So comments on your site allow other users or readers to basically talk to you about the content

    (check the “Unwanted Comments and Spam” section)

    Additionally, suppose you notice that the same or similar comments come from the same IP (you can see it on your Comments page of the dashboard). In that case, you can add this IP to the moderation lists (Réglares → Discussion → Modération de commentaires and Réglares → Discussion → Commentaires rejetés lists).

  • Good morning, I received a comment from this troll in the blog’s trash can that I sent to spam, I did not read the content which is still the same, thank you for doing what is necessary and have a great day everyone wordpress team

  • Good evening, here I am again The troll who has been persecuting me for 2 months in comments after posting his previous comment in spam, has returned to my trash, can you explain that to me? , THANKS In the same genre, another troll Jonathan Werter who came in January and February 2023, there he was put in the unwanted category. Can you block them??

    Translation of comments: StephanieguillauShe doesn’t care about your bullshit. Oulala, the lady is in better health. Luckily it’s not your bullshit that rules the world, it would be the end of the world any day. Could you expand on this bullshit that it’s beliefs that govern the world, not the planets???? Every time it gets worse. Bad analysis as usual. She wants to make such long sentences that it turns into ridicule and is so stupid that she doesn’t realize it. With that, I go to work because there are some who work to give money to idle inactive people who spend their day in front of a screen pretending that they are astrologers.

    JonathanWerter It is the beliefs that lead the world, not the planets,” the philosophy lecturer spoke. This is bullshit! She also has a degree in psychology. Not sure that Uranus is folded in 4 but one thing is certain is that the people reading this nonsense are. And it looks great. I discovered your reputation on forums which allows me to tell you like everyone else that you are absolutely very c… You’re lucky, ridicule doesn’t kill.

  • Hi there,

    To be sure I’ve understood, you are referring only to comments that are appearing in the Trash (Indésirables) yes? If so this is good, it means that the info you added to the Commentaires rejetés list is working as expected.

    To explain, when our spam filtering service (Akismet) find that a comment someone left on your site matches info in the list, the comment is blocked from appearing on your site. That is why they each say “Validé par Akismet” in your screenshot, this means they have been caught by our filters, with the help of the list you set up. These comments have been blocked and have instead been automatically moved to the trash.

    Please note that they are not deleted automatically. We do this in the event you need to review and rescue any good comments that may have been trashed by mistake. We want to make sure our filter is not too aggressive and deleting good comments by mistake!

    But if the filter is working as expected (as your screenshot seems to show) then you can safely ignore these. They will be deleted from the trash automatically in 30 days.

    Discussion Settings
    5 min read
    In your website’s Discussion Settings, you can control how people interact with your site through comments. This guide will explain each setting. Access Your Discussion Settings To visit the Discussion Settings: Visit your site’s dashboard. On the left side, hover your mouse over Settings near the bottom. Select Discussion. Settings → Discussion Fediverse Setting

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Good morning @staff-totoro

    Thank you for the additional information. I followed the advice given to me and sent Stephanie Guillau’s comment to the Undesirables, Jonathan Wetter’s comment went directly to the Undesirables because he had come in January and February with the same type of comment You have to understand that they are the same people with different names. I had already blocked the nickname Stephanie and put it back in the trash. In any case if he comes back under another speudo I will send him to the Undesirables. He did it with other people to send unpleasant emails. Thank you very much for your help, have a good weekend to the entire WordPress team

  • Thanks for confirming. I want to also mention that the list of terms you add to your Commentaires rejetés filter, I see you have many names, email addresses, and ip addresses. This is a good start and can be effective in catching much of this objectionable content.

    But also you can add words (one at a time, each on a line by itself) to the list as well. As you have noted in your replies here, these undesirable comments can also use some, uh, colorful language that you would not find in a normal comment from a serious visitor., These specific words (ones that the undesirables use, but no other normal person would use) are good to add to your filters as well.

    This will help you to catch comments even if they use different names and emails. As long as the follow the same pattern in what they say and the words they use, you can catch them even as they change contact details.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • @staff-totoro

    There is another problem, yesterday I received another comment from stephanieguillau in my trash, which I don’t understand if I put it in junk why is it coming back to the trash? I thought a comment in spam didn’t come back, it was blocked. Why is this name not blocked???, thank you

  • When a comment gets dropped into Trash, it means your filters are working. There is no need to start reading those thrashed comments, it’s better for your health.

  • Hello @staartmees

    Oh yes I avoid reading these harmful comments. What I don’t understand, why after sending the comment as Junk the next one is sent to the Trash? Is it more a problem of translation between French and English? that I can’t make myself understood. If the comments are blocked in spam why when I receive another comment it is not sent to spam, that means it is not blocked in the trash it is not spam which the latter announces that s ‘is blocked. This trolls created a wordpress blog to have access to my blog, there is no way to delete this myfoudecode blog from stephanie guillau?

  • Hi again,

    What I don’t understand, why after sending the comment as Junk the next one is sent to the Trash?

    To explain, no method of filtering is perfect, and there can sometimes be the case (depending on how refined your blacklist is) that some “good” comments will get swept up with the “bad” ones.

    Of course this would be a problem if you did not know about it (plus you would have no way to “rescue” even if you did know about it) so for that reason we decided the safest course was to send blocked comments to the trash.

    As I mentioned, you don’t have to delete items from the trash manually (they are removed automatically after 30 days) but it’s good to know that if someone contacts you to ask what happened to their legitimate comment, you have a way to find it and rescue it.

    If the comments are blocked in spam why when I receive another comment it is not sent to spam, that means it is not blocked in the trash it is not spam which the latter announces that s ‘is blocked.

    Here’s how it works:

    Spam Queue: Our spam filters (which are connected and share spam info across our entire network) are always looking for bogus messages. We try to catch everything we think is a “bad” comment but is not on your block list. As mentioned above, filtering is not perfect, so in cases where we get it wrong, you can always check in your Spam queue, and if anything snuck through that is a “good” comment, you can rescue it and publish it on your site.

    Trash Queue: If a comment matches terms on your filter list, we send it here automatically (instead of the spam queue) since we do not have to guess if it’s spam or not. Your list tells us to move it to trash immediately.

    Our spam filtering is NOT set up to delete comments automatically. There is always a chance that good comments will get caught up in a spam filter by mistake, so to play it safe and move the comment to a queue for you to moderate if you wish.

    This trolls created a wordpress blog to have access to my blog, there is no way to delete this myfoudecode blog from stephanie guillau?

    To know about this we will need you to tell us here:

    Report a Site
    2 min read
    If you find a site that violates our User Guidelines or Terms of Service, we want you to let us know about it. Please understand that we don’t always respond to these reports, but every single one is read (by a real human being), and the reported site is reviewed accordingly. More importantly, please note that the team behind WordPress.com strongly believes in freedom of speech. WordPress.com h

    When you mark comments as spam or trash, this does not automatically report their site. Also these people seem rather persistent, so in the event the account was closed they would likely create a new one, and then you would have to add new words, address, and IP info to block these new accounts as the pop up.

    It’s better that they have no idea you are silently blocking them, so that they have no need to change tactics. This makes it easier for you because the list you set up now will keep blocking them. If they are forced to switch tactics, that would only increase the amount of work on your end.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Thanks for the feedback, I did a scan to see what the Trash (1 message) and Junk (5 messages) are at the moment. In the trash, this is how I receive Stephanie Guillau’s comments, which I did not read and which I left in this place to show it to you before sending it to the Undesirables where Akismet will intercepted for the blocked, that’s right. If I understood, that there would be a comment published on the blog which would prevent Stephanie Guillau’s comments from being blocked? I have just published an article just now and I will certainly soon receive another comment in the trash and 1, I will have 2 before obviously sending them to the Junk box. It’s crazy stuff but don’t worry, I’m not wasting my time reading this nonsense… Good evening to the whole team and thank you for your time and mine in responding to you

  • Hello ,
    I received four comments with the same name from the same person today.
    I had previously received two or three after a 10-day break.
    Why hasn’t the person been blocked so far after sending the comments to the junk folder? Thank you for your help.

  • Hello ,
    So far 12 comments in the junk folder … WordPress has the possibility of blocking this troll , thank you I would like to spend a quiet Christmas and happy holidays to all

  • @lunesoleil23, I can sense your frustration, and I completely understand how dealing with unwanted comments can be challenging. It’s worth mentioning that by incorporating the rule into Disallowed comments, you’ve already taken a proactive step in preventing them from appearing on your site.

    Going forward, you might find it beneficial to consider disregarding anything that ends up in your trash, as your disallowed comment rule is efficiently managing the situation.

    If there’s anything else on your mind or if you need further assistance, feel free to share.

  • Hello,
    These comments first go to the trash and I send them to the junk folder.
    The harassment doesn’t stop on WordPress, it’s also on Twitter now X under the pseudonym Morya Farhan, he uses pseudonyms on WordPress and Stephanie Guillaud’s is the latest. The harassment is also on facebook on his account Morya Farhan, I decided not to go there anymore. But on WordPress, can you block him? Is my blog free that you don’t want to do it? If you could block it and delete the ghost blog that was created for ease of access to my blog.
    In the 10 years I’ve been on wordpress, this is the first time I’ve been harassed like this.
    An online complaint will be made, I share with you the link of an article which is a warning and where his photo was published, his real name is Serge Lafaille . He uses several accounts and pseudonyms.
    I’d like to be safe on my blog, you can do that, block him . This troll has made other victims , you know I’m not the only one to receive these threats …. Thank you for your reply.

    Morya Farhan alias Serge Lafaille
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