I have a domain… now what? Need a UK webhost too.

  • I have my own web address but I don’t know what to do next.
    I need to find a UK webhost but I don’t know how to go about it. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve googled a few things and there’s a host site called iPage which was top of a ‘top 10 web hosts’ list. I don’t know what I’m looking for though. It seems like it’s what I need but I don’t want to pay for it then realise it’s not the one for me.

    Any help please?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Just to confirm, are you wanting to have a uk domain for a WordPress.com blog? If so you just need to register the domain, you don’t need any hosting service. I use domainmoster.com but any registrar will do. When you have the domain. follow the instructions for domain mapping to map an existing domain to your WordPress blog.

  • for a .uk domain name, you would need to have staff set a zone record for you before you can map it, but once you have the domain name, just post in the forums asking for a zone record and give the domain name and staff will get it set for you.

  • @tsp,
    I believe that .uk domains are one of the ones that are mapped automatically. I have certainly never had to request any manual mapping from staff.

  • I have a domain already. but I don’t know how to get it hosted. When I said a UK host I meant a UK company to host my site. My address is .com so it’s not for a .co.uk site.

    I don’t know if I’m explaining this properly, I’m really sorry :/

  • WordPress.COM is a host – you can host your name here as long as you meet the Terms of Service. There are many other hosts that you can also choose.

    the extension (.com – .edu – .co.uk) does not make any difference to the host as far as I know.

    WordPress.ORG is the keeper of the software you would use if you did not host on WordPress.COM.

  • Thanks for that information :)

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