I Forgot How To Do This . . .

  • After adding a catagories widget, I forgot how to put certain posts under a particular widget. For example, on my DVD News Watch blog, I have two catagories, The News and The DVDs, and I want to separate the news of an impending release from the actual post where you can find info on how much, where to buy, and the specifications. Someone, please, tell me how to do that. I did once and can’t remember.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Unfortunately, no, it doesn’t.

  • I forgot how to put certain posts under a particular widget.

    We don’t put posts into widgets. Widgets simply display data and the Categories widget has configuration options you can choose to use once you open it. Categories are displayed in alphabetical order just the way I see them appearing in your sidebar now.

    Could you please explain what the final result you want would be like because I do not understand exactly what you want to achieve.

  • Okay, there are two catagories; THE NEWS and THE DVDs, I want certain posts under THE NEWS cat, and certain posts to show just under THE DVD cat, how do I separate the posts up? Does this help?

  • The separation must take place on the posts themselves. This usually takes place when you either create a new post and assign categories to it. You can also edit any post and change the Categories assigned to it.

  • I’ve tried this, none of it seems to work. I’ll work at some more, though, and see what happens.

  • Can’t figure out how to do it, so I took the DVD catagory down.

  • Please don’t make any hasty moves today. As you know Staff is working to correct problems and I just found another thread with reports of being unable to add categories here > https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/trouble-adding-categories?replies=5#post-454879

  • You’ve got a misunderstanding:

    At the moment your categories are “Dark Night Of The Scarecrow”, “House & Night Of Dark Shadows”, etc.

    “THE NEWS” and “THE DVDs” aren’t categories, they are just the titles you had given to the Categories widget which you had added twice. Unfortunately that’s pointless, because the Categories widget displays all the categories assigned to published posts.

    If you “want certain posts under THE NEWS cat, and certain posts to show just under THE DVD cat”, you need to edit those posts and add those categories to them, not the ones you have now (now each category links to one post with practically the same title, which is also pointless).

  • @Panos,
    I believe he is talking about this other blog:
    where he doesn’t have posts: only pages

    He’s selected “About Me And This Blog” as a static front page on Misty look so Home and “About Me And This Blog” both go tho static pages.
    There are posts:
    And the categories widget is “The News” with each category referring to a single post.

  • Oh, I think something changed: now there is only the one category widget.

    Oh, and changed again. The News is now a duplicate of his pages widget…

    There are several things going on, not just the issue with catetories
    but also confusion between pages and posts as well?

  • I’m trying different angles to see what I can do, which is why you’re seeing things and then not seeing them. I’ll figure something out, if not, I’ll keep it the way it is.

  • Yes, I believe it.

    Learning a bit about the difference between posts and pages would be a good place to start:

    Posts are the articles which make up your blog. Posts usually have dates because when you write an article may be important: something that happened on a specific day…
    Pages are informative references for your readers, things that they should know about your subject but which don’t change very often. In most themes, pages don’t have dates because the info is “timeless” or “constant.”

    Posts can be categorized. Categories (and tags) are a quick way for readers to see what each post is about. With WordPress global tags, cats and tags are a major way readers can find your blog. And they give your blog a lot of search engine juice: readers can easily search for topics of interest.
    Pages can not be categorized. They have very limited search/find possibilities.

    And learning about how categories will help you organize your blog is very useful. It will save you a lot of grief:

  • Got it fixed up pretty much to my liking now. I decided to use the Pages Widget for The News and the Catagories Widget for The DVD/Books.

  • @Tess: That’s the blog I was talking about too.

  • @mr. panos,

    Apologies: my mistake. I mis-wrote. (misspoke)—I only meant to write a link to the blog in question so we wouldn’t have to keep looking for it…

    good intentions, 90 mph around right angle corners: fast but not always effective

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