I don't want to renew my site www.ilpozzochefissailcielo.com

  • Going on the wordpress platform I’m not allowded to cancel the automatic renew of my site http://www.ilpozzochefissailcielo.com. I don’t want this siteìs dominium anymore, but the program doesnt allow me to cancel it. THIS IS NOT LEGAL. Please advise urgently how can I do it. Many Thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Auto Renew can be disabled by choosing the option to cancel your upgrade. If you cancel an upgrade outside of its refund window then it will remain active until its expiration date.

    Happy blogging!

  • This is the problem: I don’t have any option to cancel my upgrade! Just “Purchase” and that’s all, and I DONT’ WANT TO RENEW THIS SITE THAT I DON’T USE SINCE MONTHS. Please help, thanks

  • I see you already tagged this thread for Staff assistance.

    Please wait while they get here.

  • Hi Vieri –

    The option to cancel this upgrade is going to be found when logged into the account that owns the upgrade. You will need to log into that account and navigate to Manage Purchases.

    If you do not find the option to cancel the upgrade then you are not logged into the correct account.

    Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

  • Hi lizkarkoski,

    logging into the account that owns the upgrade and navigate to Manage Purchases is what I do since a couple of weeks but the only thing I’m alloweded to do is to updated it, not to cancel the site. I DON’T WANT TO RENEW THE SITE AND TOMORROW THE SITE IS AUTOMATICALLY RENEWED. Please help because this is not fair on yr side, Tks.

  • Hi Vieri –

    You’re logged in and contacting us from ilpozzochefissailcielo which is not the account that owns the upgrade you are looking to cancel.

    You will need to login to the correct account in order to remove that upgrade.

    I’ve sent an email to the email address associated with the correct user account. If you login with that information you will find the option to cancel via Manage Purchases.

  • Hi Liz,

    I believe I succeeded, I could remove the site! Would you be so nice to confirm it to me, if you can?

    Many, many thanks for yr precious help, if there’s something I can do to report to someone yr great job, please advise, I’ll do it with pleasure.

  • Yes, you did it correctly. ilpozzochefissailcielo.com is now cancelled. Thank you for the kind words! Best wishes :)

  • The topic ‘I don't want to renew my site www.ilpozzochefissailcielo.com’ is closed to new replies.