• Lazyaussie:

    Between global tags in posts and now this related links outside the post, it’s clear that WP’s mission is, for reasons I cannot fathom, to keep readers from staying at one site for any length of time.

  • The day an unsuspecting WordPress member authors a post and this ridiculous feature links to a series of mature, AKA, porno links, WordPress could find itself in a whole lot of legal trouble.

    My blog is political and doesn’t attract kids. I don’t censor replies, including the use of profanity. As long as the responses aren’t racist or homophobic, my readers are free to say whatever is on their mind.

    But some blogs are run by youngsters and this terribly flawed feature could send a “related link” to a blog run by a person in the minority, AKA, a child. You really have to wonder if WordPress ever stops to think about these issues BEFORE they implement them? Apparently, they don’t think about these issues.

  • Fantastic. I found this damned feature (by accident, of course!) tonight and a quick Google search brought me right here. I HATE this kind of ‘didn’t-ask-for-it’ functionality. Thanks all for the answers in this thread

  • I agree whole heartedly with mxyzplk – add as many features as you want – but let me choose which ones to activate.

    The negative connotation applied “if I dare turn it off I’ll loose so much potential traffic” doesn’t work for me – if you want to find out stuff related to what I write about – do a search.

    As for the randomness factor of U tube etc (and such as stumbleupon) if I was that desperate to be entertained that I needed to be presented random links in the hope something appealed, I’d turn off the computer and find something more productive to do.

    If this feature (again as mentioned) was bringing up content solely from my site, and others I have specifically selected, then I’d definitely welcome it. (And vis-a-vis if I was reading a site, and there were links presented that I knew were to sites the author supported enough to include potential random links to their content, then I’d be more inclined to consider them)

    Providing random links to encourage people to navigate away from my site (or to encourage people to leave the site they are reading to come to mine) seems as welcome as street spruikers. I may like getting new traffic, but I’m not that desperate. It’s like google adverts of the blogosphere.

  • Re: “Hide related links on this blog, which means this blog won’t show up on other’s blogs or get traffic that way. “
    Why won’t my blog show up on other blogs if I disable it?

  • Hi,

    I found my blog linked to another person’s similiar post and came here to check out what’s happening. So I followed the advice and went to the DESIGN > EXTRA to try turn off the feature but it reads: “Hide related links on this blog, which means this blog won’t show up on other’s blogs or get traffic that way” So turning this feature off means you won’t get your blog to appear on other people’s blog automatically BUT you will STILL get other people’s blog AUTOMATICALLY appear on your own? I don’t want other people’s blog to appear on mine without me screening through them first…:( Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.

  • Thanks for posting the solution to get rid of those links. I was really annoyed at the totally unrelated and inappropriate spam that showed up on my blog. So people with time on their hands don’t get a chance to visit my blog? I guess I can live with that. Sheesh.

  • But we’re not worse off than we were before link wise if we uncheck the button are we?

  • Thanks for the help in turning this feature off, guys. I agree – I was really put out that it suddenly appeared on my blog. It looks cheap and unprofessional, especially since none of the linked posts were remotely related and many of them linked to blogs with whom I would rather not be associated.

    Note to WordPress:

    1. You’re getting a lot of feedback here that nobody appreciates what is essentially a spam feature magically appearing in their blog overnight. Some of us work hard to get our audience and present a certain face to that audience, and this Adsense for blogs can really alienate them. You will lose customers this way.

    2. Whatever algorithm you’re using, it’s not working. I think that even though people were put out that they had to opt out of the feature, we might actually USE it if it functioned as it should – which is, presumably, that it would lead us to posts on similar topics. The ones I had, I couldn’t even figure out what theoretical keyword matchup brought me there. The way it works currently, I can’t even see the value to me of having my blog appear on other people’s – because, presumably, my blog would be a poor match to their readers, and they won’t know why they’ve been routed there.

  • Agree – if there was the option for “related links from within your own blog” great – but I think most of us want to know exactly what content will be seen on our pages.

    Very surprised at WordPress over this ‘great new feature’ – clearly not a universally held view…

    Thanks to all for helping turn this thing off.

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