• I really wish people involved in the decision making process ate their own dog food and used wordpress.com (not .org) full time.

  • Go to Dashboard.
    Click “Design”
    Click “Extras”
    Put a Checkmark on “Hide Related Links”
    Click Update box below

    This should fix it.

    I don’t know what’s up with WordPress and why they’re torturing the community with unnecessary and unwanted fixes and add-ons. They seem committed to pissing people off and creating a pool of angry bloggers. I’ve never seen so many hostile and frustrated posts in the forum section.

    I no longer recommend WordPress to friends using Blogger. I just can’t in good conscience.

    I hope the above instructions helps you guys to shut off the ridiculous “Related Links” feature that nobody wants and nobody asked for.

  • I haven’t turned it off on my blog yet, but I don’t see it happening on my blog. Would someone who does have it happening on their blog post me a link so I can see it? Thanks a lot!

  • >>>I don’t know what’s up with WordPress and why they’re torturing the community with unnecessary and unwanted fixes and add-ons. They seem committed to pissing people off and creating a pool of angry bloggers. I’ve never seen so many hostile and frustrated posts in the forum section.

    I wish they would do a damned mail list or put notices more prominently at sign in!

    @fracas -> Click on the title of one of your posts to read that individual post. Then scroll to bottom. That’s when it shows up. Otherwise, like some bad virus, it’s invisible!

    I have no idea how long that crap was on my blog. I now wonder if that accounts for some strange outgoing links I’ve seen from my blog in the Dashboard!!

  • Hi mikecane.. I’ve actually tried that already. I read the threads here, went and read the WP announcement, and so tried several posts at my own blog. It doesn’t appear for me.

    So does that mean others can see related links on my blog, but I can’t? That would be worse.

  • Perhaps it is just me, but I didn’t care for it. I didn’t like the “surprise unveiling” either. It has been disabled, and I will wait a while before I make a final decision on it.

    1. I should chose who, what, where, when and why. That is what I paid for. Choice.
    2 It was my opinion that hopefully someone would benefit from my musings or whatever, and that they would be encouraged to “stay awhile” and read some of the other stuff. Not just the current post. This looks like it will drive them away, not entice them to stay.

    The links I saw today, my intial encounter, did not make sense to me. Some of them frankly were just plain stupid.

  • @fracas-> Just went to your blog. Clicked on several posts. I didn’t see anything, either. You could either be very, very lucky or your posts are so general interest that they defeat the WP algorithm!

  • Personally, this is a horrible feature. If it featured posts from my blog then I would love it. That with what was requested. I’ve found totally inappropriate and unhelpful links on other WordPress.com blogs and on my own. I’m very unhappy with this feature since I have no control over other people’s blogs.

    If I want to link to other people’s blogs and content, I want control over what I link to. Through tags, links, and recommendations. A “possibly related” isn’t good enough for me, nor should it be good enough for anyone. There are better ways of creating community within WordPress.com, and this isn’t it.

    I do hope many will complain loudly and the feature, which has been requested since day one, will be changed to link to our own posts and not random hits on other blogs which may lead our readers down an unwanted path.

  • @ lorelle – Good to see you amongst us. You say this has been requested from day one, linking to our own posts, but this is not that. This is Sphere, without the icon.

    There is a thread here with nearly 100 posts requesting Sphere Related Content. Who knows how many other people contacted support directly, requesting it? And now we have it.

    Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

    That said, I do have Sphere on my self-hosted blog and have disabled this new feature on my .com blogs until it’s more refined.

  • @ellaella- it’s not “damned if they do, damned if they don’t.” I certainly don’t begrudge anyone who wants this feature to have it. I do object to a stealth auto-addition, with an opt-out you have to go to the support forums to figure out where it is. That’s my main objection; that the relevancy is sucking is more of a corollary. I might also note that if it were more smartly done graphically so that it were clearly engine-generated instead of how it looks now, where you can’t really tell it’s not part of the post body, I might even consider using it in the future.

    They could add another 200 features I don’t want to use, and I won’t gripe a word, as long as I don’t log into my blog and see new contradictory crap festooning my posts as a surprise.

  • >>>They could add another 200 features I don’t want to use, and I won’t gripe a word, as long as I don’t log into my blog and see new contradictory crap festooning my posts as a surprise.


  • @fracas: The only one of mine to do is my latest post: http://jessica.wordpress.com/2008/04/26/kitchen-sink-salad/

    I went back through and edited my old posts to see if that would trigger it but it didn’t. Dunno why some and not others. I figured it was because some got searched and some didn’t.

  • @ mikecane and jessica – thanks for the replies. My posts for the last few days have had to do with the renovating I’ve been doing on the blog. I won’t disable the feature until I post newer material and see how it turns out. I had to laugh Jessica, because the first link on your possibly related list was actually to mikecane. Is that not funny?

  • Everybody read this, because this is the #1 reason you DON’T want this feature!

    @fracas: I have a screenshot of one of your blogposts, the one called “Looking for Miley Cyrus Underwear Photos?”, in which you quite correctly call adults looking for pictures of a naked teenage girl gross.

    link to your post: http://fracas.wordpress.com/2008/04/21/looking-for-miley-cyrus-underwear-photos/

    link to a screenshot of the bottom of the post: http://betterlate.wordpress.com/files/2008/04/shot1.jpg

    The first link is to a 404 page, which doesn’t speak so well for the algorithm that wordpress is using.

    The second link is more of a problem. It leads to a post that is nothing more than a link to a picture of Miley Cyrus (the 15-year-old) flashing her bra.

    In other words, your post taking people to task for looking for a racy picture of a teenager LEADS DIRECTLY TO A RACY PICTURE OF A TEENAGER!

  • “I do object to a stealth auto-addition, with an opt-out you have to go to the support forums to figure out where it is.”


    “Stealth” is the way WordPress works.

    They just make the change (like the new, dreadful dashboard) and without polling the community to see if we’re interested in a radical change or add-on.

    As I said on several forum threads about the new dashboard, this is not the way to create a happy community of bloggers. Shame on WordPress.

  • Oh, my! I rarely click on my own posts so I didn’t even know this was on there. It’s gone now.

  • I don’t think a lot of people even know that this new feature exists! I mean how many actually click on an individual entry as opposed to just reading the entry within their blog? Seems that, so far, only those who regulary check what Admin talks about, knows. Which is why it seems it would be a good idea to make this a flash bulletin, along the lines of how we’re informed when our dashboard is going down for a hot minute.

  • I turned it off myself…. I think the guys at WP.COM need to really think about this one, because I tend to believe if the community gets winds of this, people will be bailing in bucket loads.

  • @pipsqueak4

    Thanks for that. I think I’ll do as so many others have done and turn it off. I figure I’m doing all right for traffic on my own, I don’t need the occasional link from someone else’s blog at the expense of deciding who I want to link to from mine.

  • Yes, an option for linking to related posts in your own blog would be very popular.

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