• WTF is going on with WordPress?

    I don’t want “Possibly Related Links” on my posts. How can I turn this ridiculous and unwarranted series of links off.

  • Nevermind.

    I figured out how to shut this moronic feature off.

    Enough WordPress. Stop tampering with things and making our lives more complicated. If the point is to drive people away from WordPress, you seem to be succeeding beautifully.

  • What’s your beef with this feature?

  • I just turned it off myself. One, I don’t like new stuff appearing on my blog without being told about it in advance – and posting it in someone’s blog somewhere doesn’t count, I keep a blog but have better things to do that be on these forums etc. unless there’s a problem. They need to figure out a way to send an email or put a notice in your blog’s dashboard than just unleashing crap on you.

    But two, the quality of the related links is just awful. Most of the ones on my posts made zero sense. They run the risk of being ridiculous, offensive, etc – here, check out the WordPress Google FAQ page. http://faq.wordpress.com/2006/05/07/why-isnt-my-blog-in-google/. Related link: “Beaming Online Services Toward Blacks.” WTF?

  • how did you remove it?

    I’m glad to hear there is a way to do it, but I would appreciate a hint…

    thank you!

  • Design: Extras – click where it gives you an option to not show links.

    looks like either we promote trash like links to Michelle Malkin, or we lose out on the thing that made wordpress a leading blog platform.

  • I actually would like it, but of about a dozen posts I’ve checked, only one – the lastest – actually shows anything. Hit and miss.

  • It’s an OPTIONAL</stong> extra people, you know, something you can use if you want to or turn it off if you to not? Snapshots is optional as well; turn it on if you want it, turn it off if you do not.

  • turning off the strong tag.

  • woah.. another unwelcome shock from WordPress… i guess they haven’t learnt from last time.

  • from the way it is phrased on the Extras page, it looks a little more than just a simple option.

    I’m hoping I’m wrong, but it looks like if you don’t agree to host the “possibly related links,” the option says:

    “Hide related links on this blog, which means this blog won’t show up on other’s blogs or get traffic that way”



  • @ thesacredpath –

    Stop screaming at people. Truly optional would be if it was opt-in, not opt-out as it was implemented.


    Under Design > Extras, what it means is that if you remove the offending/unrelated links from your posts, your posts also won’t show up on those same blogs, where they would be equally offending/unrelated. If you don’t want to be associated with those posts, it’s the most complete way to break the link.

  • The one thing I’ve really learned from the last few weeks on WordPress is that some people don’t cope with change terribly well. And any change, whatsoever, seems to bring out the drama queen in some.

  • The good news is: it doesn’t show up in your RSS feed.

  • @ Engtech – I’m trying to understand why many are so upset over it not being local linking. It seems like local linking would only be beneficial to those who have a themed blog; where they write about the same types of things. I like have ‘similar links’ if they’re pertinent. I guess we’re all gonna have an opinion, but I just don’t see where linking just within one’s blog is gonna expand the information superhighway?

  • It would be cool if this feature could be like pinging/commenting is on blog posts where one could select whether a particular entry would have related links (coming to one’s blog and from one’s blog) or not. Just a thought. I’m sure many would agree that some postings we’re more inclined to link out than others.


    I have it unchecked to begin with and when I click on a single post title, I get this unrelated and unwanted &^%$ appended to my post like some frikkin vandalism!!!

  • @diamondfistwerny –> *I* get to choose what links go on my blog, not some damned algorithm! If you want to run your blog like a blank wall that any eejit can scribble on, that’s your business. Don’t try to spread that disease to me or others.

  • Christ on a flagpole! Wp doesn’t even do consistency with their check boxes!

    I see now.

    ENABLE that stupid Snap IS a check

    DISABLE the stupid scribble from others IS a check also.

    Wonderful. One check to ENABLE, another check to DISABLE.

    WTF, WP, hire some UI guys from Apple as consultants!

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