I don't know how to use wordpress and I did need one.

  • Can you please help me out I don’t know how to handle a site or blogger I can’t afford it neither I can’t get my picture to show up on the right corner so when I post my comments on HKNHavenwordpress.com see HKN has her site up on wordpress.com I lost my last picture I had up it’s gone. Please help me I don’t know what I am doing Mae Floyd.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,
    Your question isn’t very clear. I will try my best to help you.

    I am guessing you are trying to comment on another blog and you would wan’t your picture to show up in their comments next to your comment. Am I correct ?
    You will need to use Gravatars. Looks like you have already configured your Gravatar (http://en.gravatar.com/maefloyd), but accidentally changed your picture to the generic one.

    Login at gravatar and change back the picture to one of the pictures you have already uploaded.

    More details are here.

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