i dont have permission!?!?

  • I created a new post and published it. And then i thought maybe i should delete it. And when i go to the “manage” files to delete it, its says i dont have permission to do it! when i tried to delete a blogroll, it says, “You don’t have permission to do that” at the bottom of the page. Its my own blog! i am the author of that blog! Why dont i have the permission!

  • Go into your Dashboard -> Users -> Authors & Users and make sure you’re set to Administrator please. That’s the first thing I would check.

  • No. It is another bug. I just created a new blog. The creator is already an Administrator. You can not delete pages/posts from Manage Pages.

    However, you can easily work around it by editing the page (Manage-Pages-Edit-Delete This Page) and deleting it from there. Same applies to posts.

    The irony is – I could not give two hoots about these widgets and secure blogging that broke everything.

  • I’m actually having the same problems with pages and posts, but it also won’t let me delete links or link categories!

    I haven’t been able to find a workaround for this problem. I just created my blog and I’m fairly new to this. Any suggestions?

  • I can’t do much more than post and edit posts. I can’t delete, and I can’t delete links or categories. And I’ve got some I’d like to delete.

    Is this something that’s being worked on? Or something that’s broke for ever?

  • I have tried everything I can think of – and I consider myself to be pretty devious when trying to slve a prolem – however no matter what I have tried always results in the same result “You don’t have permission to do that”. It simply will nor aloow me to delete anything at all…

  • Try it again? I’ve fixed some permissions problems that may have affected your blogs.

  • well im unable to even see my page that i want to get rid of. it juts shows on the front page, but not in the dash board, this along with new pages not showing is a real bummer.

  • cgsprite – take a look in https://cgsprite.wordpress.com/wp-admin/edit-pages.php – is your page there? I see 9 pages.

  • Donncha – I have the same problem with my blog as well… Can you try your changes on mine? I can only delete the post after clicking to edit them…Then I can delete the post from the edit page…..

  • br1ckhouse – you should be able to see the “Delete” link on the manage posts page now.

  • I am having the same problem as everyone else. I cannot delete posts from Dashboard->Manage->Posts; I get the same “You don’t have permission to do that” message.

    I also cannot delete categories from Dashboard->Manage->Categories; again I get “You don’t have permission to do that” message.

    I went to Dashboard->Users->Authors&Users and checked to make sure that I was an “Administrator”. And I was; I am also the only user.

    Help? Anyone?

  • guess this prob is here to stay for a few days…so ppl….before you do anythin to ur blog, think it through before updating it or else you gona have a hard time to undo it.

  • frankluvan – can you send a feedback through the Dashboard? that’ll make it easier to debug!

  • Okay, donncha, I sent “Feedback” as you requested. I copied my forum post and pasted it in as the feeback.

  • Same problem here; cannot delete links or posts. Only user is Administrator.

  • I got around the inability to delete links by editing the link to remove the URL and the name of the link (and the description for the ones I had). It doesn’t entirely work, as there are now blank spaces on my blogrolls, but the link can no longer be seen or used.

    I assume you could do something similar for some of the other problem areas, eg delete the content of a post or page, and then when things are fixed go back and actually delete them properly?

  • I still cannot delete things. I have a new blog and want to delete the dummy comment and am unable to do so.

  • Don’t use “delete” link in the Page Management (red backgroung on my computer : oh oh).
    Use “Edit” link instead in the Page Management, then click on “delete this page” : works fine…

  • I have tried the “Edit” link and then “Delete” and it still gives the message, “You do not have permission.” Clearing it out leaves a space on the page under the links.

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