I deleted my wordpress site and want to reuse the domain name.

  •  I deleted my wordpress site and want to reuse the domain name. But I can’t even restore website anymore it has the error “Only an administrator can restore a deleted site.” even tho i made the free domain in the same account. Plus i deleted the domain only 20 mins ago i guess. I deleted the domain like this

    But now the old shows up like this

    and the error

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • What exactly are you trying to achieve? https://dump12.wordpress.com/ still exists but is set to private. In your first screenshot you appear to be trying to change the address of the site to exactly the same address??

    PS: I find it is usually a good idea to create a fresh free site if you want a different address. Changing the name of a site isn’t something that can be changed back if you later have second thoughts.

  • simply to put, i can’t restore the “ludiquebloom.wordpress.com” i get that error.

    Everything else i said was how i get to this situation. At that time i said i can’t bring it back even after 20 mins now its been like 21-22 hours still can’t do that.

    Since i want that DOMAIN “ludiquebloom.wordpress.com” but i can’t reuse even after it get delete which i knew. So i came to ask for help why i can’t restore the specific domain “ludiquebloom.wordpress.com” even tho i can restore the other domains.

  • ludiquebloom.wordpress.com is no longer available.

    The authors have deleted this site.

    I see that particular (different) site address has been deleted. There are dire warnings about doing so if you feel you might still need to use the same address in the future. This thread has been tagged for a member of staff but note you might have to be patient as it is the weekend.

  • Hi there!

    I can see that in our systems that you renamed the your site’s subdomain from ludiquebloom.wordpress.com to dump12.wordpress.com. I realize that you were hoping this would free-up the subdomain to be used on another site, however, that is not the case.

    As mentioned in the following guide, once a subdomain like ludiquebloom.wordpress.com is used, it cannot be used again: https://wordpress.com/support/changing-site-address/#use-a-word-press-com-site-address-you-already-own

    Once a .wordpress.com address has been claimed, it cannot be reused for any other website, even if you change the original site’s address to something else.

    I do see that we are showing that the site ludiquebloom.wordpress.com can still be restored in your list of sites, and this is generating the error error Only an administrator can restore a deleted site. when you try to restore it. The fact that this site is still showing (when it is the same site as dump12.wordpress.com) is an error that we are working on correcting. I hope this helps clarify things!

  • alright, understood. thanks for the clarification. have a good day

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