I can’t upload images to posts

  • I try to upload image to my post and I don’t get the normal option to either upload thumbnail or full image, instead I have tabs “view,” “edit,” “links” and “cancel” as options.

    Has WordPress added a new interface without allowing the easy option to upload thumbnail or full image? This is frustrating!

  • Click “edit” and after you do that the other options for “thumbnail” and “full image” will become available.

  • Thanks, I tried that before but I don’t get either “thumbnail” or “full image” option. I go over the image but the menu options for either don’t show up.

  • WOW – it works on my blog so all I can say now is that this sounds like something we need drmike to take a close look at.

  • That’s a good idea. He’s helped me before so I hope he can again until then I can’t post. Will you let him know or should I contact him?

  • What do you mean “you can’t post”? Are you simply referring to the image issue or is it more than that?
    While you’re waiting for drmike maybe you should consider leaving information here for him about your operating system and the browser you are using. Have you force cleared your browser (hold down crtl and click F5 on a PC), then logged out and logged in again?

    drmike is monitoring this board while working on another site and well suffice to say … he’s a multi-tasker with lots on his plate so be patient.

  • Oh no I just meant that the post I had had images. So I won’t write it now. Otherwise I can post.

    My OS is Windows XP
    Browser is Mozilla Firefox I tried to log out and log back in and did clear everything. I will be paitent until Dr Mike gets back.

    Thanks a lot,

  • The uploader got changed a few weeks ago and we lost these options. I’m off to *cough* express my annoyance about it as well. I suggest you do so as well.

    Losing the thumbnail option is not a good idea, folks.

  • The thumbnail hasn’t been removed.
    We are optimising the code to make things much faster.
    Sometimes this causes problems for a browser, sometimes for us and sometimes the browser cache throws in a problem just for fun.

    If pressing ctrl and f5 does not help send in a support or feedback and I’ll check things over.

    nexusnovel / drmike – check your blogs please? It should be fixed.

  • drmike I’m sorry to hear you’re also having problems with this. It’s very annoying!

    I’ve tried all the suggestions including ctrl + f5 still no luck. Mark if you can check things out, I’d really appreciate it.

    I really liked the option before where you could select whether you wanted “thumbnail” or “full image.” If that option is lost, then this new interface is highly limited in its usefulness.

  • I don’t understand this discussion regarding thumbnails being lost as an option at all. I have the options you refer to in the new image ulpoader. In fact moments ago I uploaded an image and made it into a thumbnail with zero difficulty check it out here http://timethief.wordpress.com

  • That wheel of nexus picture of yours is already over 5oo pixels wide. Any wider and your sidebar will be at the bottom of your site. In my experience, anything over 400 pixels wide is too big. But theumbnails are always best mostly for people with dial-up so they can access your site better.

  • Good point to allow for fast downloads with visitors on dial-up. The previous theme allowed for larger files. I need to resize some of the pictures and when I have some free time I will devote time to do so.

    The problem re: upload of “full image” is yet unresolved. I hope someone can fix it.

  • The FAQS search box is your friend. The exact sizes for each the themes in terms of the largest image sizes are http://faq.wordpress.com/2006/09/25/how-big-can-my-images-be/
    The other problem will require a feedback.

  • The problem seems to have resolved and I can now upload thumbnails and full size images. Awesome!

  • YAY! I’m so glad to hear this. Thanks to staff.

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