I can't seem to get to the profile page I created to edit it or to merely view it.

  • I can’t seem to get to the profile page I created, either to edit it or just view it. Could it be that it can’t be done with a cellphone? I managed to create it on my phone, and answered all the customary personal information, and saved it, so what’s going on?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    Did you create a profile page on your site or do you mean you edited your account details with WordPress.com?

    If you created a profile at WordPress, you should be able to edit it at https://wordpress.com/me

  • Well, I admit to that I used my cell phone when I filled out the info. for my profile, which included my full name, and then it requested that I “say something about myself”, which I did and I saved it. When I go to select “me” on my site a window opens up with several options on a white background, such as open a new tab, incognito tab? etc., none of which seem to have any relevance to a profile page. I do see something called, “gravatar”. I don’t understand what it’s for or if it’s necessary for the process of setting up my profile. Could the whole problem be due to the fact that I’m attempting to do this on my phone rather than a computer?

  • Could you please post the URL of the link where you get the option to open a new tab, incognito etc.

    You can learn more about Gravatar here
    Gravatar is what shows my picture next to my comments and replies in the forum. Please feel free to set up your Gravatar if you have the time.

    The problem isn’t with doing this on the phone, if you are filling in your profile, it should get saved regardless of your device (mobile or desktop or tablet.).

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