I CAN'T READ the font in editor now. It's too small and light.

  • Dear Wordress.com,

    I don’t know what happened but recently, I noticed that the text in the WordPress.com editor suddenly shrunk and became very faint. As someone who’s almost 50 and wears glasses, I am getting eyestrain. How do I change the default back to what it was?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    This is what I am seeing when visiting a page edit on your site:

    The size and font look normal from this end. Are you still having issues? What browser are you using?


  • Hi,

    Thanks for responding.

    It’s very odd that you’re saying that it looks normal, because that’s not how the editor looked to me until this week. The font was a bit larger and the line spacing tighter. Right now it looks to be about 8px when before it might have been 10-12px.

    I am on Chrome Windows 10, but I checked in other browsers and noticed the same issue. In any event, I’ll check and see if some event didn’t happen on my system (Windows update??? virus???) recently but something definitely changed over the weekend.

  • I wonder if you had your fonts sized up a bit in the browser previously. If you press CTRL and + while visiting the editor, do you see what you used to see?

  • myapricityjournal · Member ·

    According to another member of staff, in a different thread, this is actually a “bug”. See here https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/font-in-editor-suddenly-got-smaller/

  • Ahah, thanks for that. It would seem some themes may be reverting to the browser’s default font — which would explain why some of us aren’t seeing it still (we see the font we’re already used to.)

    And most newer themes have an option to display the theme font, too, so it’s apparently only happening with older themes.

    We’ll keep digging into this to let you know what we find, but to confirm, are you having any font issues on other sites, for example, on your browser’s search page?

  • Hi, everyone, thank you all for responding! Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner.

    : I checked to see if the font issue was affecting other sites, but no, it does seem to be specific to the WordPress editor.

    @myapricityjournal: Thank you so much for that link. I was beginning to think I was imagining things. It seems as if this other user experienced the same issue around the time I did. For me, it happened this past Saturday. I was editing and everything in the afternoon EST, switched to a different browser, went back to the editor and noticed that the font had completely changed. At first I thought that I had accidentally tapped on something and went through all the settings in the sidebar to make sure. But no, I hadn’t done anything. Then I checked the editor in other browsers and noticed that the issue was in all of them.

    I really hope there is a solution to this because there’s no way I can continue using the editor at this rate. The font is far too light and faint.

  • Hi there,

    We were able to reproduce the issue and reported it to our developers. We’re let you know as soon as we hear back from them.

  • @fstat: Thank you very much. 🙂

  • Hello,

    This morning I opened my editor and noticed that the font had changed again. I really hope this isn’t the fix, because the readability is even worse now.

  • Hello there,

    Rest assured this is still ongoing.

    Many thanks for your continued patience.

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