I can’t change one page of my website

  • Hello,
    After trying the different tips, I am always at the same point. I can edit the other pages of my website , but as soon as I try to modify the “Nos activités de l’année” page, I have a blank page, except through the classic editor. I work on Mac with Monterey, and Safari 15.2.
    Thank you for help !

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hm, that’s rather odd.

    Would you please try clearing Safari’s cache and see if that helps? https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/clear-your-browsing-history-sfri47acf5d6/mac

  • Thank you, but it’s the same thing …

  • Hi @enrouteavecnousblog,

    I see that your Nos activités de l'année page has quite a few gallery blocks. When I view your page in the editor, I see the following message:

    Si vous souhaitez modifier la galerie que vous venez d’ajouter dans l’application mobile et pour éviter de perdre des données, veuillez utiliser la version 18.2 ou supérieure de l’application.

    If you’ve added this content using the WordPress.com mobile app, please try first updating your app first, then see if you can update the page.

    If the page updates fine on the mobile app, please try again with Safari (or another browser, such as Chrome).

  • Hi, thank you for your advice !
    I usually use the mobile application for my website “En route avec nous, le blog” when I am on the road. So,after your advice, I tried to view these pages on my iPad, and I’ve got the same message as you. (I always have the last update)

    But, for my other website (ledbetheny for an association), I always use my computer with Safari, and I make changes on wordpress.com. I had no problem until around 15 december. And, when I want to view my page “Nos activités de l’année” in the mobile editor, I don’t see what I’ve done on my computer with the classic editor since 15 december. I see on the viewer but not on the editor.
    I also tried with Chrome on my computer : I have the same message, and I don’t see what I have done since 15 december !!!

  • usually use the mobile application for my website “En route avec nous, le blog” when I am on the road. So,after your advice, I tried to view these pages on my iPad, and I’ve got the same message as you. (I always have the last update)

    Can you confirm what iOS version and version of the WordPress app you’re using? Thanks!

    But, for my other website (ledbetheny for an association), I always use my computer with Safari, and I make changes on wordpress.com. I had no problem until around 15 december. And, when I want to view my page “Nos activités de l’année” in the mobile editor, I don’t see what I’ve done on my computer with the classic editor since 15 december. I see on the viewer but not on the editor.

    Logging into that site via Chrome, I see the revisions that have been made since 15 December in your revisions history:

    Screenshot: https://d.pr/i/nN1ZwK

    I would check to see if you have any anti-malware or anti-tracking software on your computer that might be blocking things. Regarding the mobile editor, once we know what version you’re using, we’ll be able to advise next steps.

  • I’m using mac OS Monterey 12.1 on my computer.

    And I’m using iOS 12.5.5 on my iPad, with WordPress 16.6.1 (update not possible).

    Thank you very much !

  • Thanks for that information. I’m going to need to reach out to our mobile support team to see if that version of the WordPress app on your iPad is still supported. It might be too old to use the modern versions of WordPress, but I’m not 100% sure on that which is why I want one of our mobile app experts to take a look.

    We’ll update you once we hear back from them. Since it is the weekend, it might be Monday before we have any answers.

    Thanks again.

  • Hi there,

    It looks like the issue here is that the current version of the gallery block that came with an update to the WordPress software in November, does not work in older versions of the mobile apps. So if you add a gallery to a page using a web browser, and then try editing it in the app, the images will be removed from the block.

    Version 16 of the iOS app is out of date, and we won’t be adding support for the new type gallery block to that version of the app, so if you’re unable to update the app you can try using the browser on your iPad instead if you need to make changes to the galleries on mobile.

    If you’re on iOS 12, I’m guessing you also won’t have the latest version of Safari, so you might run into issues there as well – the WordPress software itself only supports the two most recent versions of any browser, so for Safari that would be 14 and 15. But it’s worth a try :)

  • Hi,
    Thank you for your answer.
    So, I can no longer use WordPress !!!

    1°) I can’t update pages on my iPad with iOS 12.5.5(only blog, but not pages !) due to obsolescence of my iPad. That’s shame, but I can understand… and I only use it on blogdusiteenrouteavecnous when I am not at home.

    2°)I can’t update pages on my computer (macOS Monterey 12.1 and Safari 15.2) with the new editor : I have a white page. Why ? I only use my computer to update ledbetheny. I never use my iPad for this website.

    3°)I can only update with the classic editor. Why ?

  • Yeah, it sounds like using your iPad to edit your site can be tricky :/

    You shouldn’t have problems working on it from your computer, though.

    Could you copy-paste the unique URL that will be generated for you when you open this page: https://www.whatismybrowser.com/? This will give us some more information about your setup.


  • Thank you for the link! Other than your browser blocking third-party cookies, I don’t see anything out of the ordinary.
    I also tried to access the pages of your site on my end and had no issues doing so.

    Would you be willing to try a different browser on your computer? You could have a look at Firefox, for instance (this is what I used). Let us know how that goes.

  • I’ve tried with Firefox and Chrome :
    I can’t see what I have updated since 15 december with the bloc-editor.

    And I’ve got this message (a lot of messages !!!):

    “Si vous souhaitez modifier la galerie que vous venez d’ajouter dans l’application mobile et pour éviter de perdre des données, veuillez utiliser la version 18.2 ou supérieure de l’application.”
    That’s stupid because I did’nt update “ledbetheny” with the mobile application !

    But, when I use the classic editor, it runs.

  • I see what you mean:

    In this case, my best recommendation is to recreate the page in Safari on macOS. I have created a copy of your existing page as the “Nos activités de l’année 2” draft that you can use as a starting point.

    The majority of the content has been retained except for some gallery blocks that were added in the mobile app. I suggest editing this new copy, using your existing “Nos activités de l’année” page as a reference.

  • Hi !

    I also thought that a solution was to recreate a new page.

    The page you’ve created (Activités 2) makes also problems : I can’t update because I have the white page !
    So, I tried to write different new pages and I think I’ve found something : when I put only text and pictures on the new page, I can update (see Essais2)
    But, when I try to put a file to download, it doesn’t run and I have the white page.
    This could be the origin of my first problem. I remember that the day I’ve put the file “recettes-cosmetiques” to download on my page was the beginning of my problems.
    Do you think it is possible ? Thank you so much for your advice !

  • It sounds like there are multiple separate issues here, so I want to review them to make sure we’re on the same page.

    1. Browser issue (a.k.a. the “blank page): everything here points to a security setting in your browser preventing the proper login authorization cookie to be set which would allow you to edit your pages.

    You can test by using an incognito or private window where those settings would not be applied. You can also try logging out and back into your account to refresh your login authorization.

    2. Old mobile app version error: The “Si vous souhaitez modifier la galerie que vous venez d’ajouter dans l’application mobile et pour éviter de perdre des données, veuillez utiliser la version 18.2 ou supérieure de l’application.” error would only show if the gallery was inserted using an out-of-date mobile app. Whether or not you normally edit that page via the website, at some point a gallery was set on that page using the mobile app. That is the only explanation for that error message.

    To “fix” this, you would need to recreate the post in question via the website. It sounds like copying the existing page like we did (Activités 2) also copies over the code that’s breaking things, so you’ll need to start with a new page and recreate the post.

    3. PDF download: it would have zero impact on the issues you’re seeing here.

    Can you clarify what you mean by “when I try to put a file to download, it doesn’t run and I have the white page”? What type of file are you adding and how are you adding it to the page? Once we have that information, we’ll be better able to advise.

  • Thank you.
    I’m sorry, but I think there’s no solution to my problem…

    Either I create new pages only, or I create a new website, or I update with the classic editor !!!

    1- it’s the same thing with private window, and also with another browser (chrome or firefox).
    2- I’ll recreate another page.
    3- When I want to add a PDF file (add a new block – Media – File-) from my documents, then comes a problem with update the page. I can only update with the new block-editor my pages without this block.

  • Hi there,

    When I want to add a PDF file (add a new block – Media – File-) from my documents, then comes a problem with update the page. I can only update with the new block-editor my pages without this block.

    Thanks for clarifying. There is a specific issue with the PDF block that causes pages with that block to be uneditable… instead of seeing the post editor you get a blank white screen with nothing on it in Safari. In Chrome you can see the editor view but also see error messages. This is similar to what you experience, yes? Thanks!

    Our developers are looking into the PDF issue so we hope to have that fixed soon, but in the meantime other site owners with this issue have reported that they are able to edit those pages (the ones with a PDF embedded in them) in Firefox. I see you mentioned that you have used Firefox in the past as well, if you edit “Nos activités de l’année” in Firefox are you able to proceed?

    I believe you said that you are able to edit that page in Firefox but I’m not sure due to the number of replies in this thread. Thanks for confirming!

  • Hi, Thank you for understanding me !!!

    “There is a specific issue with the PDF block that causes pages with that block to be uneditable… instead of seeing the post editor you get a blank white screen with nothing on it in Safari. In Chrome you can see the editor view but also see error messages. This is similar to what you experience, yes?”

    Yes, I confirm that in Chrome and Firefox, I have the editor view with the PDF embedded in it (but not all recent posts since I added the PDF file) and many error messages. In Safari I get a blank screen with nothing on it.

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