I can't access my dashboard

  • Hi all, my blog link is vilinhhg.wordpress.com. Recently I logged into my site and couldn’t see the dashboard anywhere. I tried vilinhhg.wordpress.com/wp-admin and this message showed:

    User vilinhhoang Cannot Access the Dashboard Requested

    You are logged in as “vilinhhoang” and do not have the necessary privileges to access the dashboard for “A Place Called Here”. If you are not “vilinhhoang”, please log out, and log back in with your username. If you are “vilinhhoang” and you need access, please ask an administrator of the site to invite you.
    Recently I logged in with my user name and can’t see the dashboard anywhere. I tried this link
    User vilinhhoang Cannot Access the Dashboard Requested

    You are logged in as “vilinhhoang” and do not have the necessary privileges to access the dashboard for “A Place Called Here”. If you are not “vilinhhoang”, please log out, and log back in with your username. If you are “vilinhhoang” and you need access, please ask an administrator of the site to invite you.

    Please help me access my dashboard. I have spent hours searching for a way but no hope.

  • The issue is that the WordPress.com user account that you are posting from is not the owner or admin of vilinhhg.wordpress.com.

    So you must have ended up with a second WordPress.com account at some point. You will need to log into the other account in order to access the vilinhhg.wordpress.com dashboard.

  • I’m having the similar issue. for last three days i can’t get into my dashboard. my site running well just i can’t do anything.
    Im logged in but the dashboard isn’t loading!
    someone help me, please…

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