I am looking for a slick and simple blog theme, can you give a recommendation

  • Hello,

    There are so many themes now for WordPress and I want to make sure i buy the best theme for my purpose. There are too many and I want high quality and therefore i don’t want to waste my money on the wrong theme. I am looking for a theme like this:

    *A top menu that is customizable in design.
    *A top header image that has customazable design, for example be able to set it to fullwidth of the page and a specific height.
    *A simple list of a blog for a specific page
    *Blog list with featured images
    *Side panel with images or items
    *Page with blocks of items for sale

    Do you know of a great paid for theme that does this?

    Best regards, Elias

  • Hi Elias,

    Welcome to WordPress.com! :)

    You have the options to either buy from the Premium themes or you could also choose a Premium Plan which could be more useful for you. You can learn more about WordPress Plans here.

    As you need Custom Design features, the Premium Plan would be suitable for you. The basic Customization to manage your Menu, Header Images, Featured content, widgets, etc., usually come with the themes inbuilt –– if you need further adjustments in the look of the blog, you might require the Custom Design Features.

    You could try initially with a Premium theme if it suits your requirement well and then later if needed can switch to the Premium Plan. There is a 30 day refund policy with both the options, so you can rest assured to get a refund if you don’t like the services. Also about the quality of themes, all themes currently available have high-quality features and following the latest standards.

    You can choose your theme as per your need. After having a look at your requirements –– here are some themes which you could check, they have Post Slider, featured content, sidebar, and posts:




    You could also have a look at this search result –– I have chosen the filter as a Post Slider. You can have a look at the theme showcase by pick as per your liking.

    Hope this helps, please do let me know if you need any further information.


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