Hyperlinks keep changing their target address

  • I work for an author and for each book she’s posted on her website, we have little retail icons that link out to where her books are sold ie. Amazon, iTunes/iBooks, Barnes&Noble etc

    Recently I’ve noticed that some links link to the wrong retail store. ie iTunes button links to Amazon. When I go in and fix that and make iTunes link to iTunes, the Amazon button then links to iTunes. I’m stuck in a catch 22 here and it’s driving me nuts! Any suggestions? Is there a ghost in my machine?

    To see what I’m talking about, check out the “Five Wicked Kisses” retail buttons. http://anthealawson.com/audiobooks/
    The amazon links to iTunes!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Note, the blog I need help with is actually http://anthealawson.com/

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